Husbands brief dream

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Husbands brief dream

Post by ElijahsTask »

No specifics on this dream other than going up and down hall ways in a building not recognized, looking for a bathroom to use.

people were lined up waiting to use the restrooms and so he kept looking for one to use. In passing by these people, he noticed they were all wet and when he passed by them, he got wet too.


I AM NOT good w/dream interp but it seems he is under pressure, (having to urinate) and not being able to causes him to remain under pressure w,no end in site. (no toilet to use)

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Post by Newbie »

Hello ET, I got that the holding of urine is under pressure as well or a compelling urge. In regards to others getting him wet with their urine is this: perhaps your husband is someone they can talk to to vent or get things off their chest (kind of like they are all in the same boat type situation) or perhaps it could be taking their frustrastions out on him. These are just some thoughts, so toss if miss the mark.
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Post by ElijahsTask »



I simply said they were all wet and when he walked by them, he got wet too.....

you may be correct however...... why are they wet? is it because they couldn't hold it? very good Newbie....... you STILL may be onto something here since that (A) reason and (B) how they got wet remains a mystery.

ALL of what you said is true about him..... easy to talk to, a go to guy when no one else will do something plus.... the story of his ice, he gets walked on AND taken advantage of. :|

excellent Newbie, thank you

any other thoughts, ideas or interpose welcome as well :wink:
Joel 2:1 Blow the trumpet in Zion; sound the alarm on My holy hill. Let all who live in the land tremble, for the day of the LORD is coming. It is close at hand--
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Post by Newbie »

Hello ET, there is probaly more to this or someone may have better insight than me on this. The best and effective weapon is prayer for your husband. God gave him a gentle spirit and it is unfortunate that others take advantage of this. The best words that I can share is that you need to remind your beloved that he cannot be everyone's everything. It is great to help others and have a helping spirit but he needs to be reminded that sometimes it is okay to say no. My MIL is the same way and it is very sad to see this regardless what advice I offer her, it goes on deaf ears. So the best weapon in my arsenal is prayer. I wish I could offer you something better than this or words that are filled with wisdom, but I pray that you and your husband both get a breakthrough and I pray that he gives your husband a season of peace that is beyond human understanding and comprehension. Be blessed.
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Post by LadyinChrist »


I pray your husband will be relieved with the Living water, in Jesus name amen.

No more pressure waiting on others.
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Post by wellstravisa »

This maybe a oversimplification, but taking a leak is a very nature thing. One can only hold waste product for so long before it start hurting and something must be done about it.
In like ways sometimes there is stuff we can hold against others or ourselves that need to be let go of / forgiven.

What needs to be let go of ? That would be the question I'd ask.
Job 33:14-18
For God does speak—now one way, now another—
though no one perceives it.
15 In a dream, in a vision of the night,
when deep sleep falls on people
as they slumber in their beds,