Evil Badger

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Evil Badger

Post by wellstravisa »

Dark street, reminded me of the past, when I was younger it almost felt as if I was living with my parents. I saw a police man using his flashlight looking for someone or something I didn't know what he was looking for but it was very important to him. So much so that he kept ignoring me when I tried to ask him what he was looking for, I was trying to help him find what he was looking for but he wasn't listening to me. I saw other police with him, searching as well. Suddenly the storage unit, thing between the apartments like were I used to live when I was a kid exploded, I heard it, I looked and saw how forceful the hit was, I thought that it must have been a gun fired, it was more like a rocket with the force that it had. I looked at it from both sides and thought maybe the explosion was because it hit some explosives I had in the storage area, but it wasn't. Then I saw what they were after, it was a animal, black with white on the fringes of it, like a banger!! It was very anger, fast and trying to escape the police. It went next door, I was in what appeared to be a living area, there was a bed with a man in it. The man was not well, sick looking in fact, I turn his head to see who it was. It was my wives uncle. There was someone else that was with me I don't know who though, I was able to see threw a black curtain cloth like thing and hand my phone/camera in my hand. I saw the police break in and were looking for it. The animal had a evil mind of it's own. I was afraid, but looked and saw were it was. There was a gun/rifle muzzle poking out from behind the blind. It seemed to act like a camera and a gun. The police found it and started firing their guns at it to kill it. Then one of the men grabbed a large metal funnel looking thing and reached in and grabbed it and put it in the funnel thing.
I went to rewind the video to show the person that was with me, and when I was on my phone trying to find the video, a porn like video came up. I wasn't happy about that, I said why is that there, that needs to be off my phone. After this I was outside and they gave the animal to a boy, the boy took it and was putting it in a book like thing folding it. Weird putting it back in a book? I was now in the street seeing that there was more of these animals angry and try to run in other peoples homes. I was down on street and a person said to me, you think this is weird you should have been here a year ago when the Klingons were here. Eod
Job 33:14-18
For God does speak—now one way, now another—
though no one perceives it.
15 In a dream, in a vision of the night,
when deep sleep falls on people
as they slumber in their beds,