Bear Dream

Archives for 2007

Bear Dream

Post by twig »

Hi All,

I need help understanding this dream. Here is the dream....

My husband and I were walking through a forest. There were lots of trees, so many trees that you couldn't see ten feet in front of you --- there were rows and rows and rows of trees.

As we were walking through this forest we came upon a big brown
bear. We thought he was either asleep or dead. We tried to tip-toe
past him because we didn't want to disturb him, but he woke-up. He was a friendly bear. My husband and I didn't touch him because we were still a little leery of him.

Just then Matt Dillon (from Gunsmoke) came up behind us. He started talking about how he'd tamed the bear. I walked away with Mat Dillon as he talked about the bear --- I forget all about my husband. Until I heard the foot steps of another bear. The bear was about to attack my husband and I heard him (my husband), "Why did you leave?" then I woke-up.

Any insight will be greatly appreciated.

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Post by WingsofHealing »

bears can frequently mean one who destroys. Matt Dillion was from Gunsmoke. Sounds like some warfare to me.
what came into my brain was this....
years ago something happened in my marriage and i changed churches, my husband totally quit. I continued on and 18 months ago he returned after several years (13 i believe) of leaving the church. But see how i was the one who in some ways left, i changed churches. So many women, (yep me) and so many christian ladies, have a spirit about them of bossiness. I am so sensitive to it now, and i still have to grow to be even more submissive. Ok, back to the subject at hand. Search your life and see in what ways you are soooooo independant maybe or maybe the two of you dont do much together, and this bear that is sleeping will most certainly awake if you do things to strengthen your marriage................... am i making any sense whatsoever.
my son walked in and started talking and i got discombobulated.
May we ALL FIND the healing in the Lords wings and be still to absorb all we can.

Post by twig »

Yep, I feel you....

I thought of Mat Dillon as some type of positive, e.g. he was 'LAW' man. And I am experiencing some of what you said you went through with your husband.

I am at a point in my life where God is more important than EVERYTHING!

Thanks for your input.


Post by twig »

One other thing I remembered about the dream is all the trees had white barks...

Not sure what that means :?
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Post by WingsofHealing »

well, you see God was what i thought was MORE important but then one day a man came to our church and called certain people forward who (whatever he said now, i have no idea). Well I didnt go forward, and then all of a sudden i started crying buckets full and felt Love like i never had, and it was directly from GOD and it wasnt for me but for my hubby. I got a word from the guest speaker and i disagreed with him, for he was speaking to me in front of the whole church of how i needed to not focus on church, not focus on prayer meetings but focus on my husband. If i couldnt love him, how could i love my first husband. (the Lord). I even drove to this mans office the next day to TALK to him. Well within months i heard the Lord speak unto me, "if you would only keep your mouth shut, i could speak to your husband" OUCH! But I got the message. Now 6 years later or so, Charlie is back in church with me. Last year seems to be the WORST year of my entire life and i begged the Lord for a divorce, but now i have to admit, all the pain, all the horrible words spoken, has made ever so much stronger. I know i am not interpreting the dream, but KNOW GOD is communicating about your marriage and sometimes when i share, so many have admitted YEP i can see what you mean.
so in ALL Humility...............NUMBERS 6:24-26 The Lord be with you...........
the trees, well you could be surrounded by some awesome people who are there to help you. Look up the charateristics of white birch trees, or trees with white barks. So often i do this and glean so much understanding.
May we ALL FIND the healing in the Lords wings and be still to absorb all we can.