In an Office With God the Father

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In an Office With God the Father

Post by theonlywan »

I was in an office room & God the Father sat behind a big desk. He had a white beard. I was sitting in a chair trying to talk to God but He was quite busy as He would get phone calls from earth.
A famous guy (don't know who) came into the room. He sat down in a really plush high-backed chair infront of Father God's big desk. The chair was kind of off to the right. The famous guy started giving out mail. I got 4 pieces of mail while everyone behind me only got 1 piece of mail. When I opened the first piece of mail the contents were a bunch of info on Wicca, and a funny shaped guitar. I threw the Wicca information away but I was on my way to ask Father God if I could keep the funny shaped guitar when the dream ended.
" You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on you: because he trusts in you " ~ Isaiah 26:3
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Post by Newbie »

I am not sure but what I get from the first portion is your communication with Him. Yu are trying to talk to Him but you feel that He is too busy. Perhaps you may have been placing limitations on Him. He is everywhere and He is all knowing; hence the reason you are in His Presence. Perhaps you feel that His presence is not near. Another thought that is coming to me is perhaps how you are communicating to Him. What I mean by this, a lot of people either forget when we pray or because of lack of knowledge, is that when we pray directly to Him, we pray in the name of Jesus. I am not sure if this may apply to you; just a thought.
The famous guy symbolizes the world. I believe that mail in regards to Wicca, is a forewarning of what is coming your way. Perhaps in the form of pagan religions trying to recruit members; however, you tossed it. Instruments in my dreams symbolize worship/praise or harmony. Perhaps you were given a gift in worshipping; do you sing by chance or play an instrument. I am not sure, perhaps your skills will be anointed. Just some thoughts, toss if miss.
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Post by theonlywan »

hi Newbie - thanks so much for your insight! I hadn't considered the bit about communicating.. I do pray and go to Him in Jesus name, but I have for some time now found for the most part that my 'connect' isn't where I want it to be so what you wrote makes sense.

I have been asking Him for some time to increase my level of worship. I do not sing publicly, but have been told I have a fairly large ministry upcoming in which I will sing during ministry to break bondages off of people.

The wicca thing is a bit confusing to me - I'm well aware of the many pagan religions out there &

I wonder what the significance of the 4 pieces of mail could be compared to everyone else getting 1 ... the 4 pieces of mail came from the 'famous guy' (someone in another forum suggested the 'famous guy' is satan..?)

This is good stuff - thank you!
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Post by Jewels-inhisheart »

I have found the i-pod extremly helpful in worhsip. IM starting to wonder if that may be one of the main reasons God alowed this technology into the earth.

It can be pricy but its worth it. With a good i pod and downloading the best christian music u can find... get a mixture... warfare music... peaceful praise... vibrant dynamic worhsip...

When u do this ,, of course choose the christian music that touches ur heart. That reaches inside of u, Down load them and then take time to just go out and worhsip. I walk through my yard and get lost as the music fills my ears and heart and my heart is let loose,,the praises come out so easy. Its a wonderful gift of heaven and makes with the headphones the world drown out,'

as for the wicca thing... i wantto be cautious here. Just think on it this is only a possibility.

Did u in the past mess with anything that is occult.. that is like playing with ouju boards ( i have heard it said real witches say that its not a toy and shouldent be played with) any reading of your "furture" through tarrot cards or palm reading.... even having that wierd magic ball that was popular in the seventies... seances... alot of this teens get into for fun. Many people loose intrest it as thier intrest shift to carears or marriage and starting families.. Sometimes peopel get into it and go darker and get into full blown witchcraft, But many slowly get bored with it , think its just A GAME. BUT DAMAGE Has been done.

IF u did this and have come to Jesus of course u are forgiven, But the consequences and the right for demons to harass has been opened. Renoucing each thing to God acknowldging its evil and asking the Father to remove the consequences can help one alot. There are deliverence minsitries that help in this and i wouldent be surprised if somewhere on the internet there isent prayers that are online to help one pray a Holy spirit written deliverence prayer.

Im not saying this is the correct interp. It may not be.... but it could be the why of the wicca info.

Keep asking the Lord if this somethiog that is really serious u need to further delve into to get the right interp. If u dont get anything that resonates with your spirit sometimes its helpful to put the parts of a dream u dont understand,,, ask the Lord for its meaning then put it aside for awile, The meaning may come out of nowhere and u will have a AHHH moment.

of course theres the possibilty that the "famous ' person MIGHT be the enemy... it could b e a forwarning of a temptation or snare in thease areas to come. I dont how much y know of the danger of this stuff and the different packages it comes in. Just be watchful and careful. WE all need to be in thease last days,,,,

Untill u can get it sorted out work on the worhsip, My ipod is a dangerous weapon! I have severeal ruined ,,dropped in coffee paint getting into them... they get lost and im not sure ius just me being careless.. The i[pod can make worship and praise so easy.,and when we worship him he inhabits the praises of his people.... and in his presence is full ness of joy and Joy is our strength!

shalom ....and keep praising him....
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Post by imavessel »

I actually wondered if the "
famous person" was Jesus--
who was sitting a little off to the right . . .

He started giving out "mail"

A standard name for prophetic words, prophetic people, or prophets ( in this area anyway) is like "He (or she) was reading my mail!"

Perhaps areas that the Lord has for you to work in/on?
Perhaps issues you have or have had in the past---or ties that you did not even know you had?

He gave you 4 pieces . . .
4 pieces of some sort of communication . . .
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Post by Newbie »

I wonder what the significance of the 4 pieces of mail could be compared to everyone else getting 1 ... the 4 pieces of mail came from the 'famous guy' (someone in another forum suggested the 'famous guy' is satan..?)

This is good stuff - thank you!
Hello again, I do believe that famous guy may be the devil himself. What I am gathering is that perhaps during a season (the number 4) the enemy will tempt you or attempt to get your focus off of God. I view Wicca as a symbol of bewitchment that appears to be harmless, and appears to be from God, but it is twisted. Like taking the bible out of context. The guitar speaks as worship and praise. The enemy does not like God getting glory. Satan was kicked out of heaven because he attempted to exalt himself or supplant himself over God. So the guitar looking strange could be symbolic of him trying to tempt you not giving God the glory and praise or divert attention away from Him.
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Post by theonlywan »

This is all good info and I appreciate all of your responses very much.
Since the famous guy was kind of off to the 'right' (which would be God's left) perhaps it is the enemy since Jesus sits to God's right, not left.

Ok... so I should let you all know that the Lord is preparing me right now in a major way to minister to someone who is coming out of deep w*tchcraft and abuse..but it is not wicca to my knowledge, it is much deeper (altho it could be involved)... will find out more as we go along in the journey to getting her free. I think the wicca material is somehow intertwined ..perhaps as a warning of 'any' type of w*tchcraft in general.

Hmmm... I think I got it... the dream is a warning of the attack that is coming 'for a season' ..the season of attack is due to the fact that I will be working with someone who will be getting free from the occult which of course makes the enemy angry.
Still a bit confused over the instrument... I was on my way to ASK if I could keep the funny shaped guitar, so obviously I'm unsure. I wonder why it's shaped funny??
Lord, I need help with this!
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Post by Newbie »

The weird shape could mean corrupted, He has given u the gift but there will be an attempt to corrupt it.
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Post by theonlywan »

or perhaps it's "wharped" somehow.... it came to me already "wharped" looking. The guitar was small & kinda looked like the body of it was moulded in a funny shape.
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Post by Newbie »

His gifts are perfect but the tries to warp or distort. Don't let him is the warning. Remember he handed the mail out. The mail is God message but the enemy is trying to distort it
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Post by theonlywan »

but it was the enemy who handed out the mail... Jesus doesn't sit to God's left (I was facing God and the 'famous guy' was on MY right).
Sorry for the confusion.. lol
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Post by Jewels-inhisheart »

luicfer is said to be by many leaders and teachers of the christian faith to have musical instruments inside of him. If this is true and i tend to believ it he would be a master of music. Lucifer( we know him as satan ) is also by some to thought as the first created angel ( this is a belief among some but no consenses among the vast body of beliveres , that i can find) ) If this is the case hes had billions of years to learn the craft of music. He would know of every musical instrument,,note and key. Only the God head would be above and beyound his ability and wisdom...
If Satan would know u have a gift nd calling in music i can see how demons would be assigned to get u off track. As zealous christians we desire to give our gifts to God and for his glory. But the enemy woudl seek to entrap decive trick the talented person to use the talent for his own purposes.I have seen talented christians get off track in the music industry and thier troubles are broadcast to the world. The wierd looking guitar could be a coded message of a 'offer"... a carrot on a stick maybe? Odd loooking instruments can to some look excotic and mysterious.
If u have the gift of music watch and care for it. ITs to be all for the gLory of God. Be watchful in any atempts to distort ur ability and its focus come off God and his kingdom...... I would consider this a warning.... but thats me. In the end friend.. its your dream and i tend to believ the key to the real meanings of dreams lay deep inside of us. Ask God. Dedicate your abilities.. talents ..voice to Jesus Christ and his kingdom formally if u need to put it in writting... Make it clear that all u have is from God and all is for him and his kingdom...

I hope this helps some. Again if none makes sense put this before God in prayer and then shelv it. In time it may make sense...

All gifts we have wether the one talent or 5 ot 1o are for the honor of our Lord Jesus Christ and the pleasure and delight of the blessed Godhead... God the Father .. Son and Holy Spirit!
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Post by Newbie »

Thanks Jewels
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Post by Newbie »

Hello again onlywan, I am in agreement with Jewels. I want to give you another example, are you familiar with the story of Balaam and the donkey? Balaam was giving the gift of prophecy; however, he did not use this gift to glorify the Lord and build up the Body. He used it for personal gain and sold his talents to the highest bidder, this case being King Balaak. Another example of a gift being corrupt, is King Solomon. Solomon was blessed in abundance with wisdom from above; however, he allowed false gods in his life via his numerous wives pagan religions. Anything that comes into contact with the world (the devil's domonion) can become corrupt. Does this make sense now?

I wanted to add this as well - prayer language. Several years ago, my now late grandmother threw a nugget my way. She had explained that when we pray, that devil likes to eavesdrop in our communication with the Lord. The devil and his minions knows wordly languages; however, they do not know God's language. So when we are praying in the Lord's language, the devil cannot understand what is being communicated. Because he does not understand, he cannot twist and bend the message. In your dream, the mail that you had recieved was God's answers to your prayers and some other communication from Him; however, the communication had came across the hands of mr. superstar. This is what I had meant by warped. Do you recall Daniel's meeting with angel? Daniel was waiting on an answer to his prayer. God had sent His response to Daniel's prayer; however, the angel had encountered a battle with the prince of the kingdom of Persia. Here is is an example of the devil interfering or attempting to twist a message. I could only imagine what would have happened if Daniel gave up hope. So I say all of that to say, ask the Lord to give you the gift of tongues to communicate with Him.
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Post by theonlywan »

Thank you for all input here... I definitely do not want to do anything the enemy wants, and I am asking God to both protect me, give me wisdom, humility and anything else I need to withstand him and his temptations.
Praise the Lord - I am trusting He will bring me thru!
" You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on you: because he trusts in you " ~ Isaiah 26:3