7 Planets In a Row-Houses on Earth Crushed/Disintegrated

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7 Planets In a Row-Houses on Earth Crushed/Disintegrated

Post by theonlywan »

I'm working in a large open beauty salon. My shift is over & I go to tan in one of the tan-booths. I lay in the tanning booth & see the booth has no lid, I lay on the bottom part anyway - I'm naked & everyone in the shop can see. I fall asleep on & off for about 30 mins & get a nice even tan on my front & back, even tho there was no top part to the booth. Another girl gets in the booth. I worry about her burning & fetch her some lotion. I see the booth has the bottom & the top part now.
THEN I'm in my deceased grandma's house in Cape Breton (CB is an island in Nova Scotia but has a causeway to the mainland)..the house is on top of a hill/mount. I go outside & lay in a recliner in the sun. There's people all over the place outside going here & there. I look up & see a planet..it looks like the moon when it is full but on each side are 3 other planets in 'cresent moon' fashion, like so: (((O))) I look again & now the sky is full of 'dimples' = I realize I'm seeing a planet that is SO close to the earth it is taking up the entire sky & the dimples are the craters in the planet. I run inside & go up the stairs to a big window in the back bedroom overlooking the town & I see something come out of the sky & disintegrate trees, & then something else crushes houses. I run downstairs into the kitchen & begin to plead the blood of Jesus over myself, an aunt & my mother in the house & claiming protection from being crushed. As I am praying, the house crushes all around me but it fits to my form & I am unharmed. The house stays in this crushed position around me for a few minutes & I say to the Lord, "Thank You for protecting me but I am trapped in this position in the crushed house" & ask Him to get me free. The house then 'pops' back into regular shape along with everything in it. A man dressed like a construction worker comes to the kitchen door - I know he's the enemy's servant..he opens the door & flashes a flash-lite around the kitchen & isn't happy to see I'm alive..he leaves. I go to the bedrooms & my aunt & mother who had been sleeping are also ok - they don't even know what happened but I tell them that the end days are underway. EOD
when I awoke I could feel the adrenaline pumping thru my body..
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Post by theonlywan »

Additional info:
The aunt in my dream IRL has alzheimers ..maybe she represents those who've 'forgotten'..?
I think my mother in the dream represents the sleeping church.. (she was sleeping in the room at the back of the house where the big window was)
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Post by Newbie »

Hello TOW, I do believe your dream is dealing with the end of days. IRL I find myself looking up towards the sky and with the view that I have in my living room, I often find myself gazing towards the sky or heaven. No I am not a stargazer nor am I into astronomy but I just realized that in the last several years I have been doing this. This is what bought me to your dream, the planets and other activity brings to mind the signs of the times. In regards to the first portion, the sun tanning spoke to me as you are soaking up the Son and helping others to become intimate with Him. Back to the moon and the crescent shape planets. Too many the moon is a symbol of Jesus; however, the moon can be negative, as well. The moon plays into the sign of the times. The signs of the time indicators are: increase knowledge; enforcing of the mark of the beast; God destroying those who destroy the Earth; false Christ’s and false prophets; wars and rumors of wars; famine; pestilences; earthquakes; being killed because of faith; increased sin; people being lovers of themselves; and gospel preached on a worldly scale.
The moon rises at night (hidden work of the enemy) and the moon and things of the universe are revered in pagan practices/worship. Take Roman and Grecian practices for example with Jupiter, Venus, Mercury, etc… Even today we would see this with occult practices in New Age, Wicca, fortune telling, and horoscope readings. So to me I view the moon and the crescent shape planets as something dealing with divination and the demonic. This plays into the enforcing of the mark of the beast; and the rise of false Christ’s and false prophets (increased sorcery). I view the house crushing as something that is sent your way to “crush” your spirit; however, God destroy those who destroys the Earth and He protects His own.
In regards to your aunt with Alzheimer’s, this disease impairs an individual’s cognition. Meaning it affects the brain and to me this speaks as an attack on the mind. The spirit of confusion is coming to me. Another thought is satan attempting to stamp his mark. If you recall the mark of the beast is on the head or hand. So to me this speak as his attempts to mark as many as he can get. Because of your faith, you save those who are sitting on the fence, perse. Meaning those whose soul is being battled over. As usual toss if miss the mark.
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Post by theonlywan »

Thanks newbie, I too felt it was in regards to the end of days..the strange sights in the sky seemed to be what catapulted me up the stairs to the large window to see what exactly was going on, then back done to the kitchen (preparation area) to pray. I believe my mom is the sleeping church.. Your take on my aunt makes sense also.
What do u think about the suntanning booths? That is strange to me..especially that I was in one with no lid..could be symbolic of openess, or transparency considering I'm unclothed.. But the fact that a tanning booth is not "real" sun kind of bothers me....
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Hello TOW, I view your nudity as transparency. In regards to the suntanning booth, do you by chance tan and if so how?
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Hello TOW, I did some research on suntanning as I do not suntan myself and I see your concern. The only thing that comes to me is the wrong kind of light. With that in mind the story of Aaron sons offering strange fire on the altar to God (Leviticus 10:1). When I think of strange fire or light, UV light is strange or foriegn to me, and the tanning, what comes to me is a question, "How are you serving the Lord? Is it His way or is it your way?
For example, there have been plenty of times in which the Spirit has gotten me up at 4 or 5:00 in the morning to pray; however, instead of being obedient, I would sleep in and decide to pray in the evening time or a set time that I felt that I could offer Him. So this would be an example of serving the Lord in my own way or my own terms. Please forgive me if it sounds like I am judging because it is not my intent or my nature to do this. As usual toss if miss the mark.
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Hi Newbie, no worries about 'judgement'.
Your question is a little hard to explain. The Lord moved me to another province about 7-8 mths ago. I stay with an aunt & uncle who are unsaved. The Lord has put on me what I can only call a 'heaviness' which makes it very hard for me to move physically & I am constantly tired, weary & dry. It is very very hard to pray - this is a dessert experience like no other. God has let me know it is definitely Him doing an inner work (& a baptism of fire to burn away the junk) and when He is done I will be sent out for Him. I have never heard of anyone going thru this physical/spiritual sensation before but would love to find someone who can help me understand it. Some people may call this the 'weight of glory' but it does not feel very glorious as I feel quite incapacitated. All the Lord has said is that He's purposefully putting me thru a 'stagnation' of sorts which will 'squeeze healing oil' out of me for the ministry He's putting me into. He has not said how long it will last & this is hard for me as patience may be a virtue, but it's not one of mine :(
All that being said, I am currently no doing much of anything but laying around. Simply going up a flight of stairs exhausts me, praying is just as hard. I am waiting on Him to finish this work & give me back my energy.. He also told me not to work. So i am in my room practically all day long laying on my bed using my laptop or reading Godly materials.
I used to go to tanning booths, but the Lord took that vanity from me months ago.
" You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on you: because he trusts in you " ~ Isaiah 26:3
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The Lord has put on me what I can only call a 'heaviness' which makes it very hard for me to move physically & I am constantly tired, weary & dry. It is very very hard to pray - this is a dessert experience like no other.
Do you mean the spirit of heaviness? If so the remedy for this is the garment of praise and the oil of joy. I think I see where this ties into the strange fire or the tanning bed. I have had this on me and I recall others on this board as well. But I was directed by the Spirit to continue praising; there were times in which this hard for me (strange fire) but it was necessary. Here is an article that explains it http://www.totalchange.org/heavy.htm[/quote]
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Post by theonlywan »

hi again... no it is not the spirit of heaviness, as that is from the enemy.
Altho I do feel 'heavy' it is not the enemy - The Lord has said it is HE who is doing this. As a matter of fact, when I do praise, this sensation is even stronger & it often feels like I'm being pushed backwards or my knees give way. No one has understood it when I try to explain it..All I know is that the Lord says it is Him. When I go to church I have to be careful as this sensation causes me to weave & sway more than usual. When this sensation first began 7 mths ago I was worried I was dying or something - I kept asking God if I need to go to the doctor..that's when He said it is Him & told me the sensation is like being 'squeezed thru the eye of a needle & that it is to produce healing oil' (like a wine press). He also has me hidden, in a type of 'protective custody' right now. All I know is that it is not the enemy, it is the Lord....
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Post by Newbie »

8) I was concerned for a moment there but I am glad you clear that up. Do you think you are travailing? This is when we feel things that are not of us but of Him. I think you are feeling His heaviness. Here is a site that gives an indepth explanantion of this: http://www.bible.com/bibleanswers_result.php?id=307
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But in regards to the tanning bed and this is just coming to me. When there are shifts in our dreams (changing scenes) this is indicative of transitioning. So perhaps He is showing you how you have transitioned in your walk; from your previous step in Him to going to a higher level in Him. Does this make sense?
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Post by theonlywan »

Thank you for the site, I will look at it shortly. I know I'm suppose to come into an intercessory gift at some point, along with a number of other gifts, but right now He has me in a season of in depth burning, healing, & inner preparation..and WAITING (ugh, lol). Sometimes we are not given complete understanding & just have to trust Him, many times when I have asked Him questions about why this season is so dry & taking so long I get the verse "Shall the clay say to him that fashioneth it, What makest thou?" in Isaiah 45:9. He just says part of it is a necessary 'stagnation'.

Going back to the tanning booths in the dream = Yes the transition makes sense & He has said another level is coming..He's said that quite a few times actually but the wait has been so long that I tend to figure pretty much everything He says is way far off in the distance & nothing seems to be for 'now'. I am a bit afraid to get my hopes up for anything to change soon as I feel stuck where I am until He finally releases me.
The tan-booths were in a hair/beauty salon.. hair salons can symbolize a place of removal of old covenant of sin.. i am wondering if the tanning booth may be about "burning away" dross - and because it was just 'tanning' my back, it is burning away past stuff? Or since I was unclothed, it may just be another play on 'openess' & transparency

Lord please give me the ability to figure out dreams!!!!!
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Post by MorningGlory »

just jumping in here with something on the tanning bed..

this sentence copied from Wikipedia:Tanning leather involves a process which permanently alters the protein structure of skin.

i understand personally what you mean when you say you are not to work, and spend most of your day in study, and waiting.. being prepared by God. Been in this mode for several years.. I believe the tanning bed is exactly what you are doing.. God is permanently altering you.. knowing HE
DOES all things thru you, you are the conduit through which HE flows.

The process of tanning is to change us. the end of your shift signifies, the ceasing from your labors.. and thats when things begin to really move forward, in bringing God's Kingdom forth.. I believe you are operating in your gift of intercession already.. it's Gods Way.. not the way the church has taught it out of ignorance. Christian Mystic Glory has never been understood by the masses.. but it has wrought MIGHTY CHANGES in the earth..

I am feeling the crushing and the squeezing.. the oil is being squeezed out and we just continue to TRUST.. just had a dream that it was going be related to pentecost.. which just happened.. so Stay Close to HIM my dear heart. I was just reading this morning in scripture about 10 days of endurance.. 10 brings about God's Divine Order.. so Grace, and Peace and Blessings of Endurance to stay your course..

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Post by MorningGlory »

This blog will be helpful to you in understanding the 7 planets..

This was just introduced to me sovereignly i believe just last week..

There is much happening in the solar sytem.. and this guy seems to have a handle on scripture and explaining whats happening to the earth by God's Own Plan and Design and Purpose.

you will want to read the blogs on "Pliedes".. there are 3 parts.
at this link http://www.atam.org/Weblog.html

You will have to ask The Helper, He will lead and guide you into all truth.
He says I can send it to you.
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Post by theonlywan »

MorningGlory - thank you!!
You are so ON-Par in the bit about permanent change. He says when He is done with this process He has me going thru, people will not even recognize me. That will certainly be interesting!
The bit about the tanning booth resonates with me - Bless you for that insight..so the fact there is no lid on the booth & I still get an even tan

It's quite possible the Lord is interceding thru me already..I know there are deeper things than most of His kids think. Years ago the Lord used the words "revolutionary intercession gift".. perhaps part of this sensation I am under is connected with that word, but He's not said.
I wish there were more websites about the deeper things so I could study them while I am in this transition period of hardly moving.. if you know of other sites, please PM or post them. I will be delving into the site you gave today. The Lord told me 2 weeks ago that I am 'at the well' and can go as deep as I want and seek & study as much as I want in this time.
I look forward to being re-energized and permitted to do things, I have to sometimes fight off frustration (& the accusations of others saying that I am not doing anything to help myself) to ensure I am still at rest.
His blessings your way!
" You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on you: because he trusts in you " ~ Isaiah 26:3