Sharp cheerleaders, Fencing & Black Power

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Sharp cheerleaders, Fencing & Black Power

Post by TexasTransplant »

Weird dream...but I'm lost on the meaning. Maybe one of you will get it :).

My husband and I are visiting some high school. We're watching cheerleaders practice and we're standing on the sidelines. They are in a line practicing a routine and I comment to my husband that they need to be sharper with their hands. There was great emphasis for me on their hands for some reason. In real life, cheerleaders don't use their hands this way. Other movements are to be sharp, but this was kind of a 'jazz hands' sort of thing they kept doing and I was demonstrating what I meant to them because they asked me what I thought. Then all of a sudden, I notice that there are MORE cheerleaders practicing the same with them. These are also in line but they are wearing matching pink jogging suits. I comment to my husband that the 'jogging suit' girls must be the junior varsity squad and the ones we saw at first are varsity. The JV squad's movements are even less sharp.

Next scene we are in a gym type setting on a mat watching a team practice fencing. They are in a circle, some have practice swords and they are poking them at one another harmlessly. Everyone was wearing colorful shorts and tshirts. Suddenly a girl walks into the middle of the circle and commanded everyone's attention immediately. She was explaining how they should fence. She was very much in charge and I assumed she was team captain or something. Very popular. She looked just like Catherine McPhee (on tv, not sure which show...used to be on American Idol years back), but for a minute in the middle of watching them, I thought she was our oldest son.

Next I'm in front of a computer and I'm viewing the students' (from this school) report cards online. The report cards do not show grades like usual but instead resemble pictures from a yearbook and weird comments as grades. Each student's picture is listed with what looks like multiple choice answers with bubbles. Each picture has one grade checked out of four and the 'grades' read different things. The Catherine McPhee/fencing girl's photo is first at the top and her choices of grades were: agreeable, excellent job, black power, moving on....with her checked bubble beside 'black power'. I thought that it was some kind of joke because her photo was now a video of her laughing and she wasn't even black. I was disappointed that my name and photo was not listed on there. EOD

Ok, I can see NOW that the black power american idol reference is negative, but I'm not sure how or where to apply this. Any spirit-led insight would be great! Not sure if this context fits, but we are about to relocate and our boys are changing schools. We'll be visiting a high school next week. Could fit literally that way, or could just be the setting God chose to tell me something unrelated. Thanks!
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Post by TexasTransplant »

Just remembered that as I was viewing Catherine McPhee's photo and grade, her face changed to that of a girl I used to know that God used to symbolize 'Jezebel' in a previous dream of mine. I guess she's a Jezebel. Even more lost now!!
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Post by Newbie »

Hello TT, cheerleaders are supposed to motivate the team (some athletes are considered modern day warriors) and pep up the crowd. What is coming to me in regards to the cheerleader symbolism are exhorting and edifying aka uplifters. Instead of fully motivating and uplifting it appears the “cheerleaders” are simply going through the motions and their cheers are not heartfelt.
The fencing scene speaks as teaching others on warfare tactics and how to effectively use the Word (the swords). Katherine is a singer, songwriter, and actress and she was a contestant on American Idol. We all know what an idol is and your statement about her changing faces into that of someone that symbolizes Jezebel speaks to me as a false prophet. Jezebel was not only mentioned in Kings but there is a reference to her in Revelations. The reference in Revelations is not about Jezebel the woman but a teacher that captures her spirit. So what I am gathering is Kat symbolizes a teacher that will twist God’s word and put her spin on things. The black power reference is in regards to how and whom she is operating for: the enemy. An example of this in the natural maybe self-reliance vs relying solely on Him; assertiveness vs humbleness; feminism, etc… The American Idol reference for me speaks about how many have grown to be lovers of themselves in our culture. In regards to her looking like your son for a moment speaks to me as you doing a self-check; however, you do not have this qualities that is why Kat is Kat and not your son.
The location of the dream, speaks to me as this pertaining in a teaching area. I know you counsel and you are active in your ministry, perhaps the answer lies in regards to one of these settings. Just some thoughts and toss out if it does not speak.
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I 100% agree with you. It scares me that it might be a warning to ME, but better a warning so I can pay attention and pray I guess. Looking at it now, I see Jezebel all through it. The cheerleaders (this is my own area of gifting-encouragement, etc.) were lax in their work, vulnerable to mistakes, not taking authority with their words and actions. The fencing scene seemed like a circle of believers hanging out to learn more about sword fighting...warfare. When she walked in, she was almost worshipped, or acting worthy of worship at least. Because of the way she spoke, they all listened. Interestly, what sticks out is that she didn't have a sword nor did she wish to touch one, but everyone looked at her as a fencing expert. Catherine M. has a new show I haven't watched just because I find the commercials for it to be sexually immoral. All of this reminds me of the Revelation passage on tolerating Jezebel. This is my last week counseling and doing bible study because we're moving. Maybe this is all yet to come. Thanks Newbie!
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Post by piano »

Hi Texas Transplant,

I was wondering if there was a connection to stereotypical traits of cheerleaders, and some dreams that contain them.

I have to say, that the reason I was looking in Song of Songs last night ( see your New Shoes question) was specific, but I would not find was I was looking for there.
I only read this dream this morning.
It connects with a dream I had last night, that I was going to toss, but now I wonder if He wishes for me to discuss some thoughts?

My question before looking to Song of Songs was:
How is it, that the man with so much wisdom, ended up with so many wives including those that worshipped other gods, eventually setting up idols that he too, worshipped?

I think the answer is that he was just a man, and his fall and loss of wisdom showed in renewed wisdom later in his life, evidenced in the book of Eccesiastes.
Lust was the problem and the answer I have this morning.
Lust had an influence over him that was so powerful, he was easily lead away.

I do not believe lust is confined to things sexual, but has its roots in passions for anything other than living for Christ, and knowing Him.

This means presenting ones body to Him as a living sacrifice, and allowing Him to work on, in and through us. (Romans 12)

Useless idols cannot teach wisdom, or save us.
My thoughts went to Proverbs 7, sexual lusts and spiritual adultry, but unsure of connection here?

Not sure what else to say other than the spirit of lust that mascarades itself as good, clean and all-american, has at its root burning passions that are short lived, and the opposite of life bringing.

Something good to note here:
Glory of man fades quickly, and the colorful bossoms fall away, but Christ's Glory is eternal.

Discard if not helpful,


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Post by TexasTransplant »

I so badly wanted to respond to this yesterday but it was SUCH a busy day, I never got the time. I wanted to tell you how much this fit with what I'd experienced the night before! Uncanny. Hope this all makes does in my head! :)

God has been bringing up 'false teachers' and 'false prophets' to me constantly over the last couple of weeks and honestly, I've been stumped. I've been on guard, looking at myself and some others that I really love and trust or listen to on a regular basis. I kept turning right to 2Peter about 'false teachers' and hearing it everywhere. I finally wrote it off as Him just warning me of something yet to come. And that may be the case still, but what you (Piano) wrote here showed me something interesting. I think He's warning me of some people I and other's deem as 'wise', but aren't necessarily in my close circle of church or ministry like I was thinking. (Not that churches or ministries DON'T have false teachers. They do, and I think there will be even more as time goes on, but if his recent warnings to me are for the present, this is where they fit.)

The night before last, my husband, kids and I were having dinner at my in-law's. My in-laws had invited over their very good friend who happens to be a billionaire, super star lawyer. I've only met him a few times but my husband has been on hunting trips and such with him before when someone else couldn't make the trip and they needed a replacement. I've only ever hear good things about him...'He's not afraid to tell people about the power of prayer' or 'He's such a generous, godly man'. Honestly, he's revered around here like a king and I've always kind of associated him with Solomon! Really rich and influential...trusts God (so I've heard).
I noticed the other night at dinner that when he speaks, everyone stops what they are doing, not even daring to take a sip of water, to listen intently to him. He has advice for everyone and every subject imaginable. I also noticed that he really likes to hear himself talk and only half listens to everyone else. While he does have a way with story-telling, I wasn't super impressed. He was asked to bless the food and it was very eloquent, but I don't know....I found the prayer fake. Something was off, I didn't sense the Holy Spirit at all despite all the 'godly' things I've heard about this man.

That being said, I HAVE spent time with his wife and she is one of THE most genuine, faith-filled people I've ever known. God actually used her to confirm to me that we were supposed to move to Texas a few years ago. She'd popped in unexpectedly and said she didn't know me, but had been praying for me all night long. Then she handed me a book, told me to open it up and read the first thing I saw. I landed at "I Will Give You a New Life....step out in faith and follow me where I send you...." We've had the best conversations and I always leave her thinking God just blessed me with a wonderful gift of a person.

But the other night, she wasn't with him. Instead, I was taken to another room and told that I couldn't even bring her up because he had decided to leave his wife and be with his 'true love' whom he's been with secretly for 22 years now. She came with him and I was trying not to cry the whole time because this woman doesn't seem to know God at all (obviously) and I couldn't get over what he'd done. I just couldn't believe how he could act this way and yet STILL have people all over the place talking about how wise and godly he is! It's confusing to those who don't know the Lord yet when people living this way talk about the Lord all the time! I'm telling you, his charm and deception is so good, I had to stop myself from being sucked in to it and agreeing with him. My kids left thinking that he was great because he talked about things they liked and my husband just plain left confused. People practically worship this guy and they'll follow his lead like you wouldn't believe.

Anyway, that's why you wrote that! Hahaha!! It was spot on. A call to pray against the influence of these 'false teachers'. Sorry for rambling, just thought you'd like to see how your post fit :).
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Post by piano »

Wow, thats wild.
Thanks for sharing that with me.

This seductive, and fake thing fits with lust, as it is in my mind, a word that might be better identified as an insatiable hunger.

Vanity of vanities...

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Post by Newbie »

Hello TT, I know you got clarity over this but ran across this Saturday night and for whatever reason your dream came to mind, especially in regards to the fencing. For whatever reason, I cannot shake this feeling that you need to look at this, so here goes: ... tegy-.html
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Post by TexasTransplant »

Thank you!
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