getting info out,ocean flood

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getting info out,ocean flood

Post by sigmon2 »

Hi all. Hope all are well. Just now had a muddy car dream. I was with a group of people. We had to get some very important info to get out to our church friends. We agreed to divide up. Not sure the info but it was very important cause we packed up our stuff from the camp ground in an instant and started. We discussed how to go cause the ocean has come on shore and flooded a lot of land.
I do not why we are here but its like a very small coastal community. So we start driving talking about which way to go and decide a safe route. There is a woman in the passenger seat and a man in the back seat leaning up. On the road I turn right things look good suddenly we are in muddy water equal height to the top of the doors.we look down the road and see this is a low spot the comes a ways but I see the road again. Then we float hard to the left and hit the side of the road where land rises. Water is coming in. We are scared and concerned but calm. We are trying to figure what to do cause can't open doors in this disgusting muddy water. Ocean flood has churned up a mess.
Then for some reason I try to start the car. It starts, I put car in reverse and start backing up and floor it. It, the car had a pause as it worked against the forces holding it back but it moved. It kept moving we drove up out of the water then I went back more turn a corner going backwards and going around a car or two finally stopped blocking off the street sideways at this entry store with north to many customers but lots of land, and pendent flags flying. I looked around and this community looked different than the one I started slightly but not sure. The community was blocked off by the icky flood waters. Then as I looked and saw the community, which as I think about it seems different than the beginning of the dream, the store, the road, the man and woman were not in the car anymore too. I pondered and as I did the dream fades. Water was wet and it was like I could see and feel the dirt. Wind was blowing. Storming skies in the start, sunshine at the end. I saw colors. This was a church message to be told we were doing and could not. I do not know the community in the dream. But nearer to ocean than I am now.
Well all I got. I wanted to sleep but felt compelled to write, lost a message dream two days ago like that. Thanks for reading.
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Post by Realisticdreamz »

Hi Scott,

What comes to mind is a message that becomes divided, or divides people, and then becomes difficult to deliver "muddy and unclear."

Perhaps the message is to back up, to correct or prevent something (said or done) before it goes awry and could affect the community. Pray over the situation so that any message from Him is delivered clearly and without confusion or disorder, especially in the church. :)

I hope this helps, dismiss what does not witness to you. God bless you and your family!
With love in Christ,

Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. Romans 12:21
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Post by sigmon2 »

thank you.
we are dealing with tough issues in church at the moment. trying to get out of the death rut. the Lord gave me a message to move forward, there is resistant on the part of leadership who have on purpose stalled things, whether they wanted too or not. I think more out of fear and feeling of rejection. ( wow just had a side vision of a avalanche) seems since the church has gotten so small people have gotten comfortable and afraid on new things. its ok for folks to walk in but they much fit in and not be a problem.
another church nearby they is like us would consider merging but they are the other side of the spectrum than us and it scares some. afraid of youth, afraid of having to have classes cause it means work. means sharing out more keys to the building and the alarm code. it was suggested they could rent at a different time. even the preacher fears. he is not the great presenter...gots lots of knowledge and a really good teacher, I mean that sincerely but from the pulpit people leave. so he fears he will be ask to leave. its just lots of physicalness and little spiritualness. but there is love and the Lord says to stay there even though he has remove his spirit till the people turn back to him. he left his love and glory but the spirit waits just off in the distance waiting for some sign the church is the Lord's and has come back from the domination of the world.
there is another leader trying to help change the hearts and minds too, praise the Lord...cause I am not accepted, but he is.....hope together we can bring the church to the full heights the Lord intents. He wants something.

now I want to ask something????
do you see anything, about me going to a new place maybe. I am just curious abut anything missions for me. battling these older folks to move forward may not word and I had a dream where I was told to take the blessing of souls to be saved and move on once. but the Lord has not opened that door just yet. so just curious.

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Post by sigmon2 »

Hi all. Very interesting event occurred today in church. To work the message and work it seems the Lord is asking I need to work with another gentleman. Today found out he must leave town for 2 weeks. So now must reverse course on talking with another church about merging. There are issues with it but it funny. So I talked with the pastor of the other church and it is ok with them cause just before the time is up they are going to have a church wide meeting to discuss the future direction in addition go merger talking. So I thought it interesting all this being what it was.

So let's say it's connected. The other group to be contacted is as in real life. The ocean has provided storm as it were and caused flooding in all the low areas. I see the area I need to go to in the distance but muddy murky waters are between me and the place I need to go. It was important that I get there.
Now I am at a loss sitting there in the car. The way is blocked, and not by a little but by a lot now. The muddy murky waters can't be crossed or can not be gone around. I remember in the car backing up not just a little but like it was going back to the very beginning. Sitting there in the car like what now, or dumb founded. I think. I say the very beginning cause of the flags. Like a race they look like they marked the beginning. I thought store, but as I go back the church is in the circle of flags.
Could it be the opportunity is blown? Any attempt to cross now will flood the car and it was a mini bug car and it was pushed into the bank. To stay we would have drowned with no way out. I wonder if the Lord is going to now go a different direction. A family showed up at church folks are hoping will stay, wonder if this guy changed the balance. Sorry thinking.
I pray the Lord since He told me ahead of today's events will now guide me into a path that can be to his glory. Amen.
Thanks for ready
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Post by Realisticdreamz »

Hi Scott,

All I can say is continue to seek Him and trust in Him. Don't even try to figure it all out in your head and instead give Him the situation. Just walk in truth and the character of Christ. Seek Him everyday and trust Him to lead the way. Be helpful, letting there not be division --- everyone should have the same goal to glorify the Lord and we a witness and testify of Him wherever you are and whatever you do... leave the rest up to Him. :)

Isaiah 55:
8 “For My thoughts are not your thoughts,
Nor are your ways My ways,” says the Lord.
9 “For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
So are My ways higher than your ways,
And My thoughts than your thoughts.

10 “For as the rain comes down, and the snow from heaven,
And do not return there,
But water the earth,
And make it bring forth and bud,
That it may give seed to the sower
And bread to the eater,
11 So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth;
It shall not return to Me void,
But it shall accomplish what I please,
And it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it

Psalm 127:1
Unless the Lord builds the house, They labor in vain who build it; Unless the Lord guards the city, The watchman stays awake in vain.

Praying for you and the church!
With love in Christ,

Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. Romans 12:21
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Post by sigmon2 »

Hi. Thanks. I do tend to spin my wheels. I am sure he warned me about today.I agree, though its hard I need to relax and let him lead. Maybe he will fill in the blanks as to direction. There are other dreams in play at the moment.. like one on my heath. Thank you again
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Post by sigmon2 »

wow what a short time makes.....tomorrow is the day the info was to be delivered and I got a texted yesterday telling me to say nothing, if I did the other person would leave. I do not take kindly to idle threats. anyway, the subject must be discussed cause it was part of business, the direction this person wants to go was not given to us to go. so we are not allowed by the church to go that way without pre approval. wow, this dream hit home in a way so it is all the way back to the it said. the Lord arranged for me to meet the man's wife for me to explain my side of the story....I have plans of leaving the church tomorrow and not returning. I am tired of the slow death march by a leadership who see, hears, and knows no wrong. I pray for them. thanks again Scott
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Post by sigmon2 »

Hi. Church, set aside the effort to work out the message. So no telling what will happen now.
Waiting on the Lord in a Hurry