vision:im falling ...a must read/interpret :?o

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vision:im falling ...a must read/interpret :?o

Post by kingnme »

vision: im suddenly pulled downward head first ..falling fasst and its dark ...not a good feelin folks! im thinking what is going on??? wut did i do?? im plummeting AND within SECONDS before i hit ground... up POPs this large photo card the edges are rounded there are TWO top and bottom photos upper left hand corner a picture of OPRAH ...???? and a picture of this asian woman.....? (i know oprah but who/why the asian woman?) oh man! this is the part i do NOT get there was a strip at the top of the card to be exact..on the top of the photo card i kid you not said : C O N .... i went a little past the pop up card i sa w rocks at the bottom..i waas so stunned at this vision and a little scared as to why was i falling???? please help
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Re: vision:im falling ...a must read/interpret :?o

Post by Realisticdreamz »

kingnme wrote:vision: im suddenly pulled downward head first ..falling fasst and its dark ...not a good feelin folks! im thinking what is going on??? wut did i do?? im plummeting AND within SECONDS before i hit ground... up POPs this large photo card the edges are rounded there are TWO top and bottom photos upper left hand corner a picture of OPRAH ...???? and a picture of this asian woman.....? (i know oprah but who/why the asian woman?) oh man! this is the part i do NOT get there was a strip at the top of the card to be exact..on the top of the photo card i kid you not said : C O N .... i went a little past the pop up card i sa w rocks at the bottom..i waas so stunned at this vision and a little scared as to why was i falling???? please help
Dear Kingnme,

Your vision may be a warning about “intellectualizing” spirituality [falling “head” first].

An example where mankind today believes it is intellectually superior and “thinks” they know the way, or many ways, to God contrary to the Word of God. We are living in a day where deceit is sneaking / creeping in, in ways that are undetectable unless we are spiritually born again, worshipping Him in spirit and truth, know the Word of God, and wear His armory that protects us from it as described in Ephesians 6.

This “new age” religion (which really isn’t new at all but is just a new name for this intellectual spirituality of this age) is sweeping in the hearts and minds of people and as a consequence, people are trying to make God into their image(s), instead of conforming to His.

Romans 1: 18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, 19 because what may be known of God is manifest in them, for God has shown it to them. 20 For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse, 21 because, although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened. 22 Professing to be wise, they became fools, 23 and changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like corruptible man—and birds and four-footed animals and creeping things.

Perhaps the picture you saw was an example of this very thing whereas Oprah as an example and picture of this when she denied that Jesus is the only way and tried to “explain” it through philosophy of man and that people with good hearts even may therefore know God without knowing Christ Jesus. This same spirit runs through Asian countries in various forms of religion and man. But the Word of God also warns us that our hearts are corrupt and to not be lead by them but instead to be lead by His Holy Spirit. If you truly know God, you will also truly know Christ.

John 4: 23 But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him. 24 God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.”

25 The woman said to Him, “I know that Messiah is coming” (who is called Christ). “When He comes, He will tell us all things.”

26 Jesus said to her, “I who speak to you am He.”

The scripture below gives an example of how the “thief” enters and overcomes people by first “binding” their minds and then plundering their goods (heart and spirit). The thief cannot do this when we do not believe the lies and worship God in spirit and in truth. Jesus said in John 10:10; The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.

Matthew 12: 29 Or how can one enter a strong man’s house and plunder his goods, unless he first binds the strong man? And then he will plunder his house. 30 He who is not with Me is against Me, and he who does not gather with Me scatters abroad.

Jesus taught Nicodemus that we must be born again, with a spiritual birth though His Holy Spirit. Jesus knows that the true battle is not flesh and blood but is a spiritual one whereas the deceiver comes to steal the life given to us by God by deceiving our minds first. Because the world has been corrupted through the enemy and the deceit man has fallen for is why we need to bring every thought into captivity and obedience in Christ (2 Corinthians 10:5).

We are not to be lead by corrupted and gullible minds of flesh and blood but instead be born again, not of this world, but spiritually born again with His Holy Spirit. Then our heart and mind is lead by His Spirit and works outwardly towards the world, being clothed spiritually in righteousness, rather than being lead by (corrupted) minds that work inwardly to overcome and corrupt our heart and spirit.

Your vision is an example of these things and a warning of not falling “head first” being deceived in this “new age” of intellectual spirituality and philosophy of man.

Colossians 2:8 Beware lest anyone cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the tradition of men, according to the basic principles of the world, and not according to Christ.

I hope his helps! Bring this to Him in prayer and ask Him for spiritual understanding of the vision. He is loving, merciful, and faithful to keep us from losing the way and becoming like lost sheep. May God bless and protect you and your family and help you to see with spiritual eyes the truth about the matter that comes from Him. :)
With love in Christ,

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Post by kingnme »

wheew! ( a sigh of relief that i got an interp on this one)
okay...i forgot to insert that i am not an oprah fan its been nearly a decade for me ...this was when she started bringing out candles and sayin something about powers within stuff mind you this was BeFoRe she came out of a bag with her blaspemous attitude about our LORD and SAVIOUR i had long jumpd ship... matter of fact christian people were talking about this denying ..denying i had to GO back to see what they were talkiong about i had long left that! however i will say it was when she turned the big five O ....i watched that show becuz she & i have the exact same b-day i became very disappointed in her beliefs that is why i was glad you chimed in i was like ...LORD? what is this about i dont watch this woman...i realy love this interp this is powerful!
Last edited by kingnme on Mon Sep 09, 2013 5:33 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by kingnme »

...RDreamz i had to read ur post again...this is pretty serious.....i dont want to be a part of this intellect-izing things of the spirit our sermon on yesterday was isaiah 40:28 hast thou not known?...hast thou not heard?...that the Everlasting GOD, The Lord ,The Creator of the ends of the earth fainteth not ,neither is weary...(this next part is my point) THERE IS NO SEARCHING OF HIS UNDERSTANDING. that is what we learnd yesterday at church...this is powerful thank you again
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Post by bjcollin »

Great dream/topic... basic message definitely seems to be don't fall head first into Oprah's con as it is foreign and not of God.
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Post by Realisticdreamz »

Awesome! :)

Like it says in Isaiah 55:8; His ways are higher than our ways. He does reveal Himself and His ways to us but it is through the revelation by His Holy Spirit; not through the flesh, with man's natural physical ability, mental capacity [through the image of man and beast]. We either conform to His image or the image of man/beast.

The vision is probably not about Oprah herself, she is just a symbol, image, of the overall picture... and an example of the religions of the east which presents itself knowledgeable of God; when it is really worldly knowledge and philosophy of man rather than spiritual wisdom and understanding of God, much higher than man, and what can only be revealed by HHS, which comes through knowing and trusting in Christ personally. The spirit in a man reveals who is guiding them, whether it be man, evil, or the Holy Spirit of God; guiding their hearts and minds. If we are not careful to renew our minds daily in the Word [His Spirit]; we can allow ourselves to become vulnerable to falling for those things creeping in these days.

1 Corinthians 2
9 But as it is written:
“Eye has not seen, nor ear heard,
Nor have entered into the heart of man
The things which God has prepared for those who love Him.”

10 But God has revealed them to us through His Spirit. For the Spirit searches all things, yes, the deep things of God. 11 For what man knows the things of a man except the spirit of the man which is in him? Even so no one knows the things of God except the Spirit of God. 12 Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that we might know the things that have been freely given to us by God.

13 These things we also speak, not in words which man’s wisdom teaches but which the Holy Spirit teaches, comparing spiritual things with spiritual. 14 But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. 15 But he who is spiritual judges all things, yet he himself is rightly judged by no one. 16 For “who has known the mind of the Lord that he may instruct Him?” But we have the mind of Christ.

Sorry for the long post; just trying to be clear here as to explaining what I felt well. I hope it helps. :) Please take it to the Lord and if it does not witness to you, just disregard.

May the Lord guide, protect, and bless you and your family abundantly.
With love in Christ,

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Post by Starfire »

I'm with Annette on this one.
Oprah is a world renown leader whose choices of spirituality have affected many. Many have been conned by her. You may not be conned by her personally, but may be conned by one of her followers
(meaning again, not hers personally, but someone who follows the same forms of spirituality). Being Asian, my guess would be that a large number of the population is conned (world at large) Falling head over heels - ususually (in our society) means plunging in due to emotion rather than what you know to be truth or rather than examining the facts present. The rocks represent the bottom, thus,
a summary of what I'm trying to say is, "Be very aware to NOT fall for things of this world that portray themselves a spiritual, as believeing in God, for it will plummet you to the pits of despair. As the Bereans did,
Question everything and search the scriptures to get your answers.
THis means do not even fall for what WE are saying on this board without questioning it in prayer & seeking the scriptures that are posted and ask the Holy Spirit for understanding and to send protection.

(Not trying to say that anyone here would intentionally mislead, just that we need to see God 1st AND last, all else are suggestions.
Even counselors, therapists,etc who give advice. IF it does not align with scripture, take it with a grain of salt. People, (possibly even Oprah) may have good intent, but if they are leading you to a path of devestation, the destination is not where you wish to go. This also applies to many churches, church leaders and people who proclaim to be christian, but either do not know/follow scripture or twist it to mean something else. (Prez & Peloscy come to mind). There is a difference between tolerating sin & loving the sinner to God and endorsing, even promoting sin to making it illegal for anyone to NOT endorse sin.

We are in a time as never before.
Personally, I believe the MOST important things we need to do today are 1)Put on your spiritual armor Eph6 2) Plead the Blood of our Lord
3) Improve your communication with God.
Do you know *why* God speaks to us in whispers, not shouts?
Because He wants to be so close, so intimately connect to you that, like a lover, you respond to His every nuance. When you 1st fell in love, you strained to listen, even if your beloved whispered to you in a loud notice if they signaled or mouthed something to you from accross the room in a group of people. You were so *connected*
that you were "tuned into" their ways of communication because you didn't want to miss it. That is what we need today with our God, as it is only with His protection, guidance, and discernment that we will be able to recognize true peace and safety. THe world will and is becoming increasingly deceptive - or headed for the rocks you might say.

Hope this adds to or at least affirms the immeasurably loving wisdom that was already shared.

PS. OPRAH was named after ORPAH in the bible. She was the daughter in law of Naiomi that "turned back" to Boaz, the land she
was familiar with. Because we know that Ruth told Naiomi that "your people shall be my people and your God, my God" that the people and gods she was leaving behind were not followers of the ONE TRUE God.
Like ORPRAH, Orprah started out on a trail to find the real LORD, but then turned back (away from) to go to things that better fit her desired lifestyle. Do not follow that example.

PSPS, Forgot to ask, was the Asian woman on the card intended to be part of the CON or was she "Opposite" of one who is deceived?
Could she have been a representative of the persecuted church of China that is staying true to the Lord in spite of being surrounded by intense persecution?
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Post by kingnme »

Sorry to be so late with this response...this is really great spiritual stated that Oprah was named after the sister n law of Ruth orphah? know..wen I first heard oprah's name I Thor about that woman who went back home too...but they did mention that Oprah was named after the company HARPO hence her name backwards OPRAH....
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Post by SpecialK »

As to your falling: it could be a warning that you are taking your eyes off of God. The darkness is not good (God dreams are usually filled with vivid color).

Oprah--I used to watch her a long time ago, However, once she started to get into the New Age beliefs it was a big turn off for me.

I 'heard' she publicly denied Jesus, and also has her own religion going.
Sorry, but Oprah really is someone I stay away from.
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Post by Starfire »

1) Yes, At least once she said she was named after Orpah.
2) Yes, I saw when she said something to the effect that she could no longer follow the Judeo-Christian God because when she read He was a jealous God, she thought, 'What kind of a God would be jealous of ME?" I'm sure she received attempts by many who tried to explain,
but I guess her mind was made up because that was close the the beginning of her new age jaunt. I'd also heard her proclaim that Jesus could not be the ONLY way to God.
Do not forget she was a member of Rev. Wright's church which is
more about Black Liberation Theology than about GOD. Same as our pres. who once stated, "Every night I pray to myself..." and that he believed in communal salvation. (Everyone goes to heaven or no one does) One of the interviews is here: ... interview/

BTW, I could understand some of his comments if he was new to Christianity, but if in fact he was raised as a Christian (any denomination) he'd know that much of what he says is not what scripture says. Since that interview he has also said (when again asked about his 'Christian' upbringing that his mom would take him to a different religious service everytime they went, one time church, another a Buddist temple, etc. He was enrolled in school as Muslim in Indonesia & can perfectly recite the Quaran and BEFORE his 1st election stated that the sound of the (muslim) call to prayers is the most beautiful sound on earth. I guess this is what is taught at Rev. Wrights church, I don't know.

So many people today have values that are completely NOT in alignment with scripture, do not believe Scripture to be the Word of God or Jesus to be the ONLY way to heaven, and yet they still proclaim to be Christian. Polls showing this are indeed alerting. America needs salvation every bit as much if not more so than those in 3rd world nations. When they grasp that Jesus is Lord, they will not deny it, even in the face of persecution. Most Christians today even think "God would understand" if they took the MARK of the beast to save their lives. Some say, "He'd WANT them to." This is what happens when scripture is not sacred. There is no basis for judging human behavior, morality, etc. other than societal acceptance.

You know, you can't really blame the people either on much of this as it is the church's responsibility to teach them and for some time now, very few churches will themselves admit to the inerrancy of scripture, the virgin birth, the views of God on abortion, homosexuality/marriage, etc,etc. MANY even teach that Jesus was/is a socialist.
NOT SO....socialism is NOT voluntary - With Christ,you are not forced to give away anything, or believe anything. It is your own free will/choice to do so or not. AND socialism makes Govt the central focus, Jesus made His FATHER the central focus. Socialism doesn't even believe in religious faith. So if our ministers/pastors/priests could get it so wrong, how can we expect society to know better.

I even once had a disagreement with a minister friend who said that he was democratic solely because they care about poor people and so did Jesus I said, they also support abortion. Do you thing Jesus put alleviating poverty above the choice of life itself? The response was, "He'd want us to care for those who are here now." And this person genuinely loved God & genuinely believed he was correctly leading people who looked to him.
Jesus said "choose life" and "the poor will be with us always."
He thought I was the one misunderstanding it.
What I'm trying to say is that the minister was quite sincere in his faith and in his belief - and he's one of many. How could their followers not also be misguided?
I can't WAIT for Him to return and straighten us ALL out!
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Post by underhiswing »

I haven't read all of what has been shared, so if I repeat something, please forgive. I had a prophetic dream long before our president announced he was running for president his very first term. In it, Oprah represented the American people (kind, generous, well known, well rounded, patriotic).

She could represent the USA in your dream, and I say that because of the other symbols in it. Your falling... being the economy and government stability, and the Asian woman represents the one who will be moved to action if the US defaults on their debts to the Chinese government. The red strip can be the government running in the red and the word "CON", is what is going on through many in this current crises. I wonder about the appearance of the rocks...color, size, may not matter, because it could just be speaking of a hard and unstable ending that will "hurt". It all seems to fit, but I leave that to you.
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Post by kingnme »

Wow ..UnderHisWings...that is powerful!.you know what happened after I had that vision..i readin a magazine that there was an "Asian Oprahwinfrey" as I have stated before why am I having this vision...i DO NOT follow this woman to the point that I had to hear from other people that she has gone left field with her beliefs i just believe it was something that GOD wanted me to know .. UnderHisWings..Those are some very thought provoking insights.....i must read it again....BTW those rocks were black like medium size jagged boulders at the bottom
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Post by underhiswing »

Black and jagged are two very negative symbols, aren't they. What an amazing and frightening view of the "rock bottom". Please pray for all of us, as God leads you.

I am so very grateful to our Father, who is actively calling some into devoted prayer over this current situation.

Thank you too for sharing that, so that we see His concern and His moving on our behalf. I am grateful for both of you.