About ready to give birth to twins

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About ready to give birth to twins

Post by justme »

In the dream I woke up in pain and realized I was pregnant with twins. I was having labour pains, and the head of one of the babies was starting to come out. I started to push but then realized it was not time so I got out of bed. I was then in the dining room at a pass through from the kitchen. The kitchen was very bright and there was a lady in it we talked (I don’t know what about) then she started giving me attitude. So I started to walk away and fell to the floor on my knees I was having a bad pain. Another lady came over to me and asked me if I was going to say anything to the lady in the kitchen I said no her attitude should just be ignored. The lady helped me up. I was now outside in a sports arena there were stadium like seating all around. My mother was with me and a little boy (I think I knew him, but I am not sure). We were walking on gravel and we walked over to the seats. We all sat down but I got up as it hurt to sit and I was more comfortable to walk, so I started to walk around. (The whole dream was a gray scale with the exception of the kitchen it was very bright light and I also knew I was going to give birth very soon to the twins.)
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Post by bjcollin »

twins = double portion of anointing or ministry about to be birthed forth. It's not time yet because you need to go through a time of transition first and let God's perfect timing come. Ignore bad attitudes that are against this birth from others that you are in fellowship with and do not judge or speak about those others, just focus on what the Lord has for you to do. Grey scale= lots of spiritual warfare to get this to fruition.

Hope this helps. God Bless you.

in Christ,