Very tiring dreams

Archives for 2008

Very tiring dreams

Post by Princess »

Does anyone have any insite into dreams in which someone is constantly after you and they are trying to hurt you or kill you ? The people are unseen often but always trying to hurt me stab me cut me or kill me and these dreams occur way more that I feel they should I am at odds about the reason they occur and would appreciate insite if anyone has any ..thanks a lot .. Princess :?

Post by Joy2dream »

The dreams could be from the enemy or could be a warning from the Lord of the plans of the enemy. We would really need the dream details and pray over them to offer an interp.

When you go to sleep ask the Holy Spirit to give you dreams and to protect you during your sleep.


Post by kimibrew »

I'm with Joy. Another thought is to ask the Holy Spirit to train you to overcome in your dreams...meaning that He might teach you to use the weapons of our warfare IN your dreams to fight the battle.

Thank You

Post by Princess »

Thank you for your responses and I agree with what you both worte , I must say that I have delt with these types of dreams which generally come in seasons for some reason ~ I am left with only bits and peices of the dreams and do so wish I could recall the details of them . I have very very often had Spiritaul Warfare in dreams , I have cast out demons and also battled satan himself in dreams as well . I have also had dreams of bringing dead children back to life and seem to be able to pray in the Spirit in my dreams as well as the ability to speak in toungues and read hebrew . Very odd to me is the fact that on days I have been most in my Bible and or under a lot og teaching it seems these dreams come ..perhaps this is why I am not sure . I do claim the Scripture that the Lord will indeed lay me down in peace and my sleep will be sweet . Often times I wonder am I not doing this in my sleep as a part of a higher purpose in the Spirit . Just some thoughts perhaps yall could glean some revelation out of this reply . It has been some days now since one of the dreams I pray I would be able to recall the details should I have another and the ability to retain the information so I can post it , thanks again and God Bless ~ Princess
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Post by Krista »

Heya princess!
I had a reoccuring dream constantly after seeing the preview for th is last terminator movie. It was the same, the terminator was after me, just a hair breadth away. I would be running and running and running, but he was always after me.

Finally I decided before going to sleep that if I ever had the dream again, I would let this terminator catch me. And so in my dream, I stopped running, I got on my knees and I prayed that God would forgive me and let me go to heaven, and help me in the situation.

The terminator (in my dream) came up behind me, grabbed me and picked me up by my neck, and disapeared..I've never had the dream since.
the kingsdaugher31
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Post by the kingsdaugher31 »

Hi Princess,

It seems to me that you are being tormented while you sleep. Read Proverbs 3:26. I pray that your sleep will be sweet.

The only way to freedom is letting go. - Jason Crabb