Under clothes

Archived Dreams from 2014
Diamond Member
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Under clothes

Post by Ruth »

I had a dream that I went out my side door and all I had on was underwear and a bra and they were both white. I ran back in and was wondering did my neighbor see me.

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Post by Palm »

It sounds like you were expecting to proceed in something without anyone observing, but you found that going slightly out in public made you a lot more exposed than you wanted to be.

I have known people who published books who felt this way. They wanted to write quietly at home, but then in order for the book to sell, they needed to market it -- which was a total opposite of what they'd planned writing would be like.

Going out the side door seems like an effort to be less public, but it was thwarted by the fact that you were already outside of your safe zone. Like writing something on a blog, and then finding it show up on Letterman.