In University

Archived Dreams from 2014
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In University

Post by justme »

I was in class at university, I was working with a group of people and we were supposed to be preparing for a presentation. I did not know what we were working on so I asked the girl beside me what the topic was and what we were working on. She replied with it is on the sheet she handed out; I said I didn’t get the sheet so she handed hers to me. I remember reading it but I did not understand what we were to do. At the front of the class room there was a group presenting. I started to feel panicky as I was unprepared to present (in reality I hate presenting and get to the point I could get sick and that is with being prepared). Then all of a sudden class ended and I was out side, it was a hot sunny day. I was walking with a girl I went to high school with and there were a lot of people. We talked ( I don’t remember about what) and we entered a house. I knew I lived there as well as the girl. I decided I needed to change my cloths and put a tank top on, I went into my sisters bed room to see if she had one I could borrow. My sister walked in and pulled out a box from under her bed. The box was full of boxes of ritz crackers and she put another box of crackers in the big box. Each box of ritz had people’s names on them, so I said did you steal them, she replied No I didn’t. I didn’t believe her and I said well you know it is illegal to be in possession of stolen goods. And I walked out of the room into the living room. It was packed with people and I decided I wanted a bowl of cereal so I went to the kitchen and opened to cupboard to discover someone stole my cereal but they didn’t take the milk. I then went outside and was on the deck. On the ground by the deck were two piles of sand one pile was big and the sand was brown. The other pile was small and it was yellow. The girl I went to high school came out side I said we should save this sand in case my nephew comes over he would like to play with it. So we started to pick the sand up and put it in containers. The girl said to me you know everyone is going to look for jobs before graduation and not bother going to the graduation and you should start looking so you will get a job before there all gone, graduation is no big deal. I then knew I was my age now and she was young, I responded with It is a big deal to me when I was in high school I knew I was too stupid to go to university and here I am now and I will not miss graduating.
I am currently a mature student in university and will be graduating soon. I did believe in high school that I was not smart enough to go to university!