shoe insoles in washer...holding branch with 20 dollar bill

Archived Dreams from 2014
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shoe insoles in washer...holding branch with 20 dollar bill

Post by LarrytheDreamer »

I was at a friend's house...Joe and Colette
I appeared to have my current vehicle and my current motorcycle on the back of a semi with the rear doors open. Both these vehicles fell off the truck and seemed inoperable. I was sad and felt like I didn't have a vehicle any more.
Dream switched to...I was inside Joe and Colette's house and they didn't seem all that friendly which is nothing like how they really are. I was holding a laundry basket with a pair of shoes in it and was in the laundry room. One of the insoles of my shoe just jumped out and went into the washer, then it went down a silver chute. I went out on the front porch to get it back but instead saw myself holding a branch with a $20 dollar bill attached to it by a rubber band.
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Post by rarara »

I was at a friend's house...Joe and Colette

I appeared to have my current vehicle and my current motorcycle on the back of a semi with the rear doors open. Both these vehicles fell off the truck and seemed inoperable. I was sad and felt like I didn't have a vehicle any more.

Dream switched to...I was inside Joe and Colette's house and they didn't seem all that friendly which is nothing like how they really are. I was holding a laundry basket with a pair of shoes in it and was in the laundry room. One of the insoles of my shoe just jumped out and went into the washer, then it went down a silver chute. I went out on the front porch to get it back but instead saw myself holding a branch with a $20 dollar bill attached to it by a rubber band.

Hi Larry

Some thoughts on your dream.

The house of Joe and Colette:

Joe means Increaser, Repeater or Doubler.
(Also the Pishon River means increase and it also means to overflow, break out.)

Colette is a derivative of Nicholas which means Victory in Greek and comes from the Greek word Nike which is funny because there are shoes in your dream.

Vehicles of any sort are usually ministries: Your motor cycle could mean just you.

A semi -trailer tows stuff along.

“Back door” to me speaks of illegal access so that would likely be the Enemy’s strategy to steal from you in some way.

You felt sad, you are aware of the loss. You know how precious the thing is that The Lord has given you.

So you are then in the House of Increase and Victory, these are the blessings that The Lord wants you to have.

They (Joe and Collette) weren’t as friendly simply because Father is getting down to business.

“I was holding a laundry basket with a pair of shoes in it and was in the laundry room.” You are partnering with Holy Spirit in this.

“It just jumped out.” Totally God doing this, supernatural. Also you see it jump out.

You have seen something in your soul “(insole)” that the Lord wants to wash out.
(This doesn’t mean sin, it’s just something in your soul that God wants to heal or flush out down the chute. The end result is wholeness.)

Shoes are the message, the gospel of Peace. Peace is Shalom, which means wholeness and completeness.

Ephesians 6:15Amplified Bible (AMP)
15 And having shod your feet in preparation [to face the enemy with the [a]firm-footed stability, the promptness, and the readiness produced by the good news] of the Gospel of peace.

The silver chute. When I see this chute I see a big silver mezuzah which contains the Shema and Deuteronomy 11; 13-21. It is put on the doorpost, the way in, and is a sign of the Lord’s protection over and His presence within a home.

So the chute is like a portal where the treasures (silver) of Heaven can travel through to you.

Silver is precious. “The silver and the gold is mine” says the Lord. So the soul thing, whatever that is, is linked to God’s provision for you and your household, financially and spiritually.

The front porch reminds me of Solomon’s porch where the glory of God came down and no one could stand. The presence of God.

When you go to get your insole back you reach out for that which looks like the thing you need but it is money on a rubber band which sounds a lot like a trick or a bounced (rubber) cheque.

Exodus 30:12-14 Complete Jewish Bible (CJB)
12 “When you take a census of the people of Isra’el and register them, each, upon registration, is to pay a ransom for his life to ADONAI, to avoid any breakout of plague among them during the time of the census. 13 Everyone subject to the census is to pay as an offering to ADONAI half a shekel [one-fifth of an ounce of silver]— by the standard of the sanctuary shekel (a shekel equals twenty gerahs). 14 Everyone over twenty years of age who is subject to the census is to give this offering to ADONAI —

This pertains to ransom money which, because of Jesus, we no longer need to pay!

Stay on the porch (in the Presence) and wait for your insole. Then break out/walk/ run in your Nikes (victory) and enjoy the increase again and again…
