Christmas verses Halloween and bondage.

Archived Dreams from 2014
Diamond Member
Posts: 3840
Joined: Sun Oct 05, 2008 9:14 am

Christmas verses Halloween and bondage.

Post by Jewels-inhisheart »

it was a strange dream. I think one of the persons was 'Scott Baio " a teen 'heartthrob" of the seventies. In this dream in modern times there was sex slavery. For some reason i was trying to 'sell' the idea to him of a girl i knew ( real person) Debbie. She was not a supermodel type but pretty in a ordinary way. I was pointing out her qualities. I cant remember exact details except where i was i saw Christmas decorations. I was attempting to put some up. I seemed to be in a large place where allot of people were. In this festivity there seemed to be a darkening as Christmas was being over shadowed by Halloween. I saw Christmas shiny decorations had been taken down and i was attempting to put it back up. It wasent a regular Christmas tree but seemed to be parts of one and just a general mishmash of pretty shiny decorations arranged in a orderly way., nearby outside was this spooky music and scenes that seemed ghost like. At some point i realized or thought it was a film and projector. Fake. I think there was more to this but that's about all i can recall clearly/.
Diamond Member
Posts: 3840
Joined: Sun Oct 05, 2008 9:14 am

Post by Jewels-inhisheart »
