The strangest dream...

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The strangest dream...

Post by moonglow »

I really debated posting this ...whether there would be a point to posting it or not...while I do think its from the Lord, I don't know that it needs to be interpreted, if that makes sense...maybe its one of those that is for others..I don't know.

Let me start by explaining I am an artist and the Lord has been directing me to use my art to express the things He shows me rather then just my I have been in prayer ALOT over this because no media is going to be able to fully show what I see, what He shows me!

Anyway I think this dream might be a two part is something He wants me to draw...the meaning of it may be something else.

So many times on the internet I am constantly encountering people who are at odds with each other over pretty much anything! Especially religion but also over everything else...and I guess this has been in my head and bothering me more then I realized lately.

So anyway this is the dream...I was seeing the inside of a rounded room with large white sheets hanging down from the walls, blowing in the wind, and bubbles floating around...a couple was about to get married! Everything was done in white and so beautiful. The sheets also covered the floor in billowing some point I was thinking in my dream..."why can't we all just work together? get along together?" Then in walks the bride in white and the groom in dark clothes like you see in typical weddings...and they meant in the center of this room and came together with the brides gown swirling around the feet of the groom. They literally were up against each other like in a hug...on a higher part in the center of the room...then suddenly I saw this was not a decorated rounded room for a wedding but the inside of a washing machine! You know the part in the middle that sticks up and churns around washing the clothes? The bride and groom became that piece! As one that worked together and the sheets were sheets being washed and the bubbles was the soap...boy was I surprised! :lol:

I know I am suppose to draw this...its called a permutation that I learned when taking art classes...something changes to something else or you have like an opital illusion. You see two things in one thing. I woke up with this image in my mind about 15 minutes or so before the alarm was to go off. Pretty...different isn't it? :)

Thoughts, feelings, impressions are welcomed of course. When I get it drawn, hopefully I can post it on here.

God bless

Post by talitha »

WOW! I love it! It's that intimate relationship with our Bridegroom that washes all the stuff of our lives.... I'd love to see this when you've done it!

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Post by moonglow »

Figuring out how to draw it is another thing! I will have do get my paper and pencil and pray...then start drawing! See where it goes...:)