Car Breakdown

Archived Dreams from 2015
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Car Breakdown

Post by dreamer33 »

I had this dream few days ago. I am seeking the Lord for any insight.

My car was parked outside the of my church compound. This is where i usually park my car whenever i go to church. On this day when i came to my car to drive back home, i realized the car has breakdown. When i was thinking what it could be, i noticed i had left the car engine On for long. I thought it could be due to that incident that has caused the car to malfunction.

I also noticed that the car engine has malfunctioned. Like, the belts gone, engine oil spilled out.etc. There was no shock in me or fear of what has taken place. But the thought that came to mind was, i need to get it to the workshop and get it fixed. Done.

Any insight please?
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Re: Car Breakdown

Post by ispeaktheword »

Hi Dreamer33,

This is not an interp, just thoughts.

Sometimes our car symbolizes our life and where we are going. Because your car was parked at your church in the spot you normally park, I'm wondering if this dream is about an "incident" or a situation that took place at church. You mentioned an incident that caused the car to malfunction. An engine is the heart of a vehicle and helps it to run. Have you experienced some kind of church hurt? The belts being gone, the engine oil being spilled out and needing to get the car fixed may suggest being refilled by spending some time in prayer with the Lord. Please disregard what does not fit.

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Re: Car Breakdown

Post by dreamer33 »

Blessings, Ispeaktheword :)

Thank you for sharing.

Firstly, literally i had a dream that someone had posted a reply to this dream and true enough, u have done that.

Secondly, what you said is very true. The same day i had this dream, that same evening i had an incident with my church pastor, and at the very spot i usually park my car. This incident, ( I hope i can share about this and believe it can be usefully for more insight or advise.) was about tithing. He said it was the church's requirement that anyone who wants to do ministry or take leadership in the church, he or she must show accountability through giving tithe - by writing name on envelope and how much they are giving. I was totally against this approach and questioned if Jesus mentioned such. I also asked if so much importance is given to tithe alone, then what about the sacrifice of Jesus for me on the cross?? I told him, he could stop me from doing any ministry in the church but not at the market place.

This was the "incidence that took place" which has deep hurt at the time and wanted to leave all my responsibility.

Any further thoughts or advice please share.

God Bless.
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Re: Car Breakdown

Post by ispeaktheword »

Hi Dreamer33,

Praise the Lord for revelation on your dream.

What you've experienced is very common in church. I think it's great that you questioned this practice. Many church folk are afraid to ask their Pastor questions. Respectfully and in love of course. Why do we do this? Where is that found in scripture? Just because the Pastor said it doesn't mean it's biblical. It's so important to know the word of God for ourselves.

This is a rule established by your Pastor not God. If you want to be in leadership or participate in ministry at this particular church you have to follow the rules set by the Pastor, that's just the way it is. But like you said, " he can stop me from doing ministry in the church but not in the market place." This is very true and I agree with you. You can still attend your church be a "giver" and do ministry in the market place.
