Angels & Demons

Archived Dreams from 2016
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Angels & Demons

Post by ValleyAnt »

I've been in a place of spiritual warfare for many years with the enemy trying to destroy me and my occult dad satan's chief hand to make it happen. A minister met with me just a month ago, but the night before he and I were to meet, God gave him a dream. He didn't know much about me, so it was encouraging that God spoke to hi before we met. Here is the email he sent me along with his own interpretation (we still don't know the full interpretation or how to proceed so any help is good):

This is what I remember of the dream: A group of us was stranded because our car had broken down, so while we waited for the car to get fixed, we decided to play a game of hide and seek using clues written on small pieces of paper that we put folded up on a plate. We told our Asian friend (presumably you Asher) to go and I presume to count to 100 while we all went and hid. The idea was after a bit he would pick out one of the clues and go searching for one of us I guess. But instead as we headed out he went up to the plate that was on a stand and unfolded one of the pieces of paper, read it and tore off a piece of it. Suddenly an Asian military group who had been watching him from a storefront without any of our knowledge saw that he had broken a rule of the game and considered it an opportunity to execute him because they didn't like how he was representing them by cheating; they seemed very legalistic about it. The young man ran and they ran after him. Then a group of American military who had been keeping their eye on the Asian military group, came out of hiding and blocked their path, diverting them while the young man got away. Well when we saw this we as his friends took up arms too and tried to help. There was a fifth party that appeared, an older man with darker skin who had abused a woman who was with him, she was bleeding, but seemed compliant and he kept having sex with her roughly on an upraised group of large rocks until she died. He knew where the young Asian man was and would laugh at all of the other parties involved. He called out clues but it was obvious that he wanted to lead all of us on a wild goose chase. The man seemed to represent your father and the woman your mother. One of our friends who trailed behind us said, "I'm saying here. I'm not trained for this..." and one of the Asian military men came up behind him with a spear and killed him or at least took him out, as it were. When I woke up I knew the dream was about you Asher. You were the young Asian man. The Asian military seemed to represent the demonic and the American military the angels. Our group of Christians was trying to help. That's what I remember for sure.

Is the broken down car the state of the church? What does the game represent, us trying to have joy and fellowship together? I'm asking what is my place in this desire to help? Those are some of my questions. Let me know what you think.
"The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; indeed, I have a delightful inheritance" (Ps. 16:6).