Healing vs Death

Archived Dreams from 2018
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Healing vs Death

Post by bjcollin »

In this dream I was with a small team of about 5-6 people and we were inside of an old mansion house. While we were
in the mansion, we were there to visit with the owner who had fallen ill. Evidently the owner was somebody
famous, and he was going to be featured on a magazine cover with two photos, a before and an after shot which
showed him in his prime, and an after death photo. I think I was there as part of the team to set up the
photography artwork on a computer for the magazine cover design. When we entered the house, we explored parts
of the mansion and we explored some of it's contents in drawers and boxes just to see things about the owner
I was guessing for writing inspiration purposes. During my explorations, I had entered the room where the owner
of the mansion was at, and he was strapped down paralyzed on a table and unable to move from the neck
down. He had on a full sized red bluetooth headset and was talking on the phone with somebody when I came in.
I just went over to him, and laid my hands on him and started praying for healing. I even started praying in
tongues for his healing. The bluetooth headset came off of him, and he started convulsing and then he was
healing from the waist up and was even able to sit up at one point with me praying for him. I had finished
praying for him, at least for now, and the team was entering the room at this point. The team sat him up on
the table and they started praying for his legs, but there was no results at all. At one point I even started
praying for his legs and when I laid my hands on him I could feel the twisted knotted useless muscles of his legs
in the dream which was strange. After they were done praying, they started back as if nothing had happened into
preparations for the photo shoot and preparing for his death. I was shocked by this as to why were they were still
preparing for him to commit suicide by his own decision and to die when he was at least partially healed. Two of
the people in the team had taken the home owner out of the room to another room to shower and to prepare for his
death. I was lamenting and talking with one of the other team members, who I now recognized as the actor Hale Appleman
who played Elliot in the series The Magicians, and he was telling me that is the way it is with spirits of suicide
and why they do not respond to prayer and why they still decide to die in the end.

I awoke from the dream concerned and worried that maybe I was praying out of a lack of power, and praying in
witchcraft instead of in faith. This dream has been bugging me all day now.
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Re: Healing vs Death

Post by PastorJKG »

In their bondage (strapped down) and under the influence of what they have heard (blue tooth headset), People are often so broken and twisted in their minds that they can't believe God can turn their situation completely around. They have been indoctrinated into and they now trust whole heartedly the system of the world. They are under the control of the present world system and spiritual powers. This can be extremely frustrating for us who are believing for their healing and deliverance. I personally believe the Lord is trying to provoke us to pray for a new powerful move of God to circumvent the enemies established strongholds. Obviously God is well able to do it, but the church has not properly stewarded the anointing and we need to repent and turn from our wicked ways and seek His face, then He will hear from heaven and heal our land. Not individually but corporately on behalf of the whole church. There is only one true church and we are all one in Him.

Hope this helps
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Re: Healing vs Death

Post by bjcollin »
