Had Sexual Relations with President Trump

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Had Sexual Relations with President Trump

Post by jdarby2007 »

Hello and God Bless Everyone:

I'm thoroughly bewildered and about this dream. Please somebody help me here because this is embarrassing.

The dream is straight forward without any other details, just me and President Donald Trump having sexual relations, oh my God, what could this possibly mean? Lord have mercy!! 😯

God bless any insight into this dream!

I have a general question not about dream symbols or dream-related things, questions about life-related things, where do I post questions of that nature? Thank you.

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Re: Had Sexual Relations with President Trump

Post by bella »


Under the dreams and visions heading in the Dream Interpretation area, there's another heading called "dream questions" or something like that. You can ask general questions there about symbols. Also, try the search function because over the years people have discussed various symbols and you might find something. Brian also did a search engine on the main page before you enter the board.

As for the dream. Well, yeah I can see why you're perplexed. Just the thought of it. :shock:

So sex dreams can mean coming into agreement or covenant with someone.

Kevin L. Ewing (youtube channel) goes into this subject in depth (but very long videos - I don't usually have time to sit through a whole one and often have to fast forward him).

Back to your dream. It might help to consider whether you agree with Trump and his policies or not. If you're a fan it could explain the dream. You may have come into agreement with what he says/does. If you generally don't agree, you may have come into agreement with a particular issue.

I personally wouldn't be coming into covenant with anyone, so I would be asking God to sever any ungodly covenants/agreements made that are not God's will.

If I recall correctly, you're somehow in ministry. Not being from the US I don't know all the detail but I believe churches can register for tax exemption or some kind of government authority 501C? Wondering if you've recently done that? Because Trump would represent government (just one option of what he could represent).

What does he represent to you? That may help you identify if you've come into covenant/agreement with something.
Last edited by bella on Mon Aug 19, 2019 3:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Had Sexual Relations with President Trump

Post by jdarby2007 »

Wow Bella,

Your response is very interesting! Yes, I am in ministry you recalled correctly!

As far as Trump goes, I am not fan of Trump, I don't like his demeanor or his approach to governing America, but am divided on some of his policies, however, I respect the office of the President of the U.S.

It's interesting you mentioned 501c3 because I'm stepping out on faith and am currently working on developing a new charity organization watering with much prayer and guidance from the Lord, and was researching a possible alternative structure other than a 501c3, so perhaps the Lord is saying I need to organize as a 501c3. Could this be an answer to my prayer or is there another meaning?

As a side note, the name America is in the name of my new organization. Does this mean anything in the dream?

Thank you Bella for responding, wow you have awesome insight, you really brought up some thought provoking things for me to think about.

If anything else comes to mind, please let me know!

Thank you so much!

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Re: Had Sexual Relations with President Trump

Post by bella »

Thank you for encouraging me. I needed that :-)

Another thought I had, because your ministry is called America, is that you and your ministry will be fruitful (because sexual intimacy results in new fruit).
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Re: Had Sexual Relations with President Trump

Post by HisBlood »

Bella thoroughly interpreted this dream 👍
Just another thought I had on this was possibly the abortion issue!
Trump has been the first very vocal president to oppose abortion,
being very pro-life and pro marriage! I recently watched a video
“Audacity” by Ray Comfort about Hitlers annilation of the Jews
and how abortion had murdered many more than the Jews!
I see more and more Christians are standing up for the unborn!
The movie “Unplanned” caused such an uproar here in Canada,
it was unbelievable!

Anyways, just more to ponder 🤔

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Re: Had Sexual Relations with President Trump

Post by jdarby2007 »

Anytime Bella, Happy to encourage God's people!

Amen to the new fruit, I receive that! You don't know all the details surrounding my life, but you are speaking truth my spirit bears witness with! This is the Holy Spirit! 😊

Thank you much!

bella wrote: Mon Aug 19, 2019 3:49 pm Thank you for encouraging me. I needed that :-)

Another thought I had, because your ministry is called America, is that you and your ministry will be fruitful (because sexual intimacy results in new fruit).
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Re: Had Sexual Relations with President Trump

Post by jdarby2007 »

Absolutely His Blood, I do commend Trump for standing against abortion, that is one thing I agree with Trump!

You also mentioned something that I am working on dealing with pro life and marriage. You and Bella are right on by the leading of the Holy Spirit! Continue to let God use you!

Thank you!
HisBlood wrote: Mon Aug 19, 2019 9:36 pm Bella thoroughly interpreted this dream 👍
Just another thought I had on this was possibly the abortion issue!
Trump has been the first very vocal president to oppose abortion,
being very pro-life and pro marriage! I recently watched a video
“Audacity” by Ray Comfort about Hitlers annilation of the Jews
and how abortion had murdered many more than the Jews!
I see more and more Christians are standing up for the unborn!
The movie “Unplanned” caused such an uproar here in Canada,
it was unbelievable!

Anyways, just more to ponder 🤔

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Re: Had Sexual Relations with President Trump

Post by HisBlood »

We overcame him by the Blood of the Lamb and by the Word of our testimony.....
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