Series Of Dreams

Dreams and visions to be interpreted
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Series Of Dreams

Post by dreamer33 »

Dream 1
I was in a banquet. Different delicacies were served on the table. I was helping my self with d food I love most.

End of dream.

Dream 2.
As was walking I saw a fruit tree from afar. I could see it was ripe and wanted to go near, get on the tree and pluck the fruit. But then I did notice bees were on this tree and made me wonder how to go and get it.

As I was walking closer towards the tree, suddenly there were group of bees surrounded me and was flying around me( surrounded). There were so close to me and I my hands to get rid of them but also thought they were going to sting me but to my surprise they didn't. Not even one bee sting me.

End of dream

Dream 3.
I was walking with a Doctor at a place(grand) as I saw people's like this Dr

As I was walking with him I remember telling him, Dr why don't you consider to invest in doing some kind of business. He turned to me and asked, should I do food business?

End of dream.

Any insights anyone?
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Re: Series Of Dreams

Post by JayD »

Hi Dreamer.

These series of dreams appear to speak of your journey regarding food for the soul.

You appear to be discerning what is nourishing for you, and what others gravitate to for healing.

It is important to listen to the Lord for ourselves so that He can implant his Word in us, and heal us. That's what He told me and i share that with you.

Our inner witness (Holy Spirit) can confirm what is right for us.

The first dream appears to speak of food that others have prepared.

The second dream appears to be regarding spiritual fruit.

The third can speak of a mixture of the first and second. Those who often flow in healing for the soul are often able to minister from deep within. Offen they can come from a place of crushed grapes and they become poured out wine to others. Some refer to it as wounded healers.Of course, the Lord doesn't need that. We can believe and receive, but in our daily interactions with others, some are gifted at ministering healing for the soul ... And God uses that too.

In the end, it may be that you are encouraging him to invest his gifts.