struggling through a hole

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struggling through a hole

Post by connie »

Praise the Lord!

This dream seemed very realistic.

My son and I were in our livingroom (cleaning/ rearranging furniture or packing to move- wish I could remember what we were doing :? ).

I glanced up to see Abner sticking his head through a hole in something wood- the back of a cabinet maybe. The hole had a slight ragged/rough edge to it posing a possible danger. He pulled his head back out and then tried to get through again but his body got stuck halfway through. He was struggling hard. I called out to my son to help Abner because son was closer to Abner. Son jumped forward as Abner struggled harder still and amazingly popped through the small hole. Abner ran off, appearing unhurt. I was amazed that he was able to get through a hole that small and thankful for his safety! End

Abner, our ferret, is a blessing from the Lord to our household. He's a source of laughter and cuddly love.. and the tryer of our patience at times. The Lord chose his name and I found out later it means 'my Father is light.' :D

Looking for confirmation,

His Love,

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new creature
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Post by new creature »

A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones. (Proverb 17:22)

Abner was agile and not brittle. Maybe the Lord is telling you that you will have an opportunity to take offense ahead, and you will move gracefully through the trap the enemy has set by chosing to focus on the Light of The LORD!!!

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Post by connie »

new creature wrote:A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones. (Proverb 17:22)

Abner was agile and not brittle. Maybe the Lord is telling you that you will have an opportunity to take offense ahead, and you will move gracefully through the trap the enemy has set by chosing to focus on the Light of The LORD!!!

Hi new creature,

thank you I will definitely keep this in mind and heart. I had something different in mind but it's good to have other perspectives as well. Thank you for the scripture. I will rejoice in & with the Lord :D I receive that grace Lord

A Ps; This may or may not contribute to the dream; the hole was predrilled like the kind used to pass electrical wires or cords through... (and now we can add ferrets to that list of items :lol: )

thanks again new creature. Bless you!

HIs Love, connie
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Post by Jehu »

The hole represents a birth canal. God is birthing something special in your life. It is a fathers blessing, from the father of light. I believe it is a revelation of God as a loving Father.

That's what I get. I hope that blesses you.
"For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the LORD shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee."
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Post by connie »

The hole represents a birth canal. God is birthing something special in your life. It is a fathers blessing, from the father of light.
Hey william,

this is confirmation! Yes, I believe this is the final birth pang. PTL! You posting this is a double confirmation.. the Lord spoke something to me about you as i read one of your dreams. I'm awaiting more from Him but I think for now I'll toddle over there and faithfully post what I heard.

Bless you brother!

Mama table
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Post by Mama table »

I would keep it in prayer..
the rearranging stuck out more than anything(that part of the dream anyway.)
I mean other than the descriptions you stated. Maybe God is rearranging some things in your life. this is not a bad thing when God is involved..
take what bears witness with you.
the other thing that really stuck out was that jagged edge. DANGER that felt like trouble I could be wrong. Even animals need prayers...
I believe God is saying that whatever situation comes up it will be handled with some prayer. A hole that small. A situation that hard that seems like it can't be done.
I was amazed that he was able to get through a hole that small and thankful for his safety! End
I believe things can represent birth pains too. but a situation that seemed like you couldn't get out of. You will
I could be wrong but just cover it in prayer...I feel like all is ok if you cover with prayer.
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Post by connie »

Mama table wrote:I would keep it in prayer..
the rearranging stuck out more than anything(that part of the dream anyway.)
Thank you mama. I have been praying about what it is we were doing because I thought it held the key to understanding what specifically the Lord was pointing to. However the Lord pointed out to me that the struggle thru the hole was what He was highlighting. and in His time if knowing what specific task we were at is crucial, I know He will reveal that too. It's good that we weren't being passive but were active and moving about. So thank you for bringing this up, it's further encouragement for us
I mean other than the descriptions you stated. Maybe God is rearranging some things in your life. this is not a bad thing when God is involved..
take what bears witness with you.
Yes, the Lord is rearranging things in our lives.. not as quickly as we in our human viewpoints might like :) .. but He has taught us how very faithful and trustworthy He is over several years and we know we're in good hands no matter what befalls us.
the other thing that really stuck out was that jagged edge. DANGER that felt like trouble I could be wrong. Even animals need prayers...
Yes I saw that too and we cover our little Abner with much prayer, daily because he needs it :lol: . He's very curious. He also knows the presence of the Lord. He lays on my feet when I sit and pray and he chuckles with delight. so sweet to see the scripture "let all things which have breath, praise the Lord" be manifested before our eyes. The Lord reminded me that although there was a ragged edge posing danger, ferrets have incredibly thick skin. It reminded me of my asking the Lord to give me thick skin for protection from any darts while keeping my heart soft & open and filled with His Love.
I believe God is saying that whatever situation comes up it will be handled with some prayer. A hole that small. A situation that hard that seems like it can't be done.
I was amazed that he was able to get through a hole that small and thankful for his safety! End
I believe things can represent birth pains too. but a situation that seemed like you couldn't get out of. You will
I could be wrong but just cover it in prayer...I feel like all is ok if you cover with prayer.
Thank you Mama.. Bless you for your heart of concern and love! And thank you for the encouragement and additional confirmation.

I pray much throughout the day and night.. but we will gather together as a family and bring this matter before the Lord again. Also be checking any exposed wiring he may try to get at.

His Love,

Mama table
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Post by Mama table »

Much Love to ya Connie
I love the Lord

Post by Joy2dream »

Hi ya Connie,
Abner to me represents someone dear to your heart, a pet. Since he was closer to your son I wonder if this is a clue from Holy Spirit.
