Very vivid dream with details of places I have never been

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Very vivid dream with details of places I have never been

Post by bigbee »

Hi all, I had a dream the other day and it has been on my heart and I need some help pulling back the covers of what God is showing me. Here is the dream below:

I remember I was driving with a former boss (he is from South Dakaota) and we were somewhere in the Upper Wisconsin/Minn area. as I looked onto the upcoming highway I noticed a bridge over water it looked beautiful. My former boss was heading back to South Dakota, but he told me to take Route 2 that it was a scenic drive over the bridge and a place where he and his family vacation. I did take route 2 and the next thing I recall i crossed the bridge and was over Lake Superior. It was beautiful, I noticed people were being dropped from a helicopter onto jet skis on the lake. I decided to rent a jet ski and travel the lake also.

I was driving the jet ski on the lake and it felt great the scenery and water were pristine aqua blue. I enjoyed this immensely and wanted to be sure to take my family here when I return. I remember that I stopped and checked the gas and oil. I noticed the oil looked low so I went back to the place where i rented it and he told me that the jet ski had oil injection and that that it was not low on oil. I was relieved. He told me I had about 45 minutes left on my rental time so I wanted to eagerly get back on and travel the lake. For some reason i had difficulty getting back on or getting it started and I realized that I wasn't going to be able to do so before time ran out. End Of dream.

Significant points to consider:

-I have never been to these areas IRL
-As I pondered this dream and researched it there is indeed a US Route 2 that goes through these areas (Wisconsin/Min/Mich)near Lake Superior!
-IRL There is a bridge called the Richard I. Bong Memorial Bridge (Bong Bridge) connects Duluth, Minnesota with Superior, Wisconsin via U.S. Highway 2!
-Things that stood out
-Lake Superior
-Route 2
-The beauty of the lake and traveling on the Jet ski
-Thinking I was low on oil but wasn't
-45 minutes left and I couldn't finish my ride as i wanted

I know this dream has a lot of symbolism and it has stuck on my spirit for several days so I know God is impressing this on me to search it out. It is amazing to me that the geographical facts in the dream were vivid and are true even though I never been there!

Thank You all
Amber Allman
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Post by Amber Allman »

Since Route 2 does fit in the natural, there could be some element of natural interpretation to this, I feel.

Before getting into the symbology, it might help to consider what your former boss represents to you, in terms of the type of relationship you had. Also, were you driving or the boss?

This seems to definitely speak of leaving one realm (natural, spiritual or both) for good...crossing a "bridge". If the body of water is symbolic, it likely represents a realm in the spirit that you are crossing over. It seems a definite move up or forward.

You seem to be getting direction about Route 2 from this boss. It could be literal, or the 2 could symbolize either a confirmation that this change is coming, or a frame of time (2 days, weeks, months, years?).

You "cross over Lake Superior". Wow! If not to be naturally interpreted, think about what that means! Crossing over something "superior"...better than what you could have imagined. Or being carried "over" by a Superior authority.

Since vehicles generally represent ministries, this seems to indicate (by virtue of the helicopter and jet skis) that you and others are being placed by the Spirit (from the sky) FROM and/or ONTO new and different ministries. New ways of moving in the Spirit. TRAVELING ON THE the Spirit.

Also, helicopters are usually flown in response to 1) needing to get someplace quickly that traditional air travel does not offer, and 2) emergencies.

The fact that you RENT a jet ski may indicate a willingness to at least test the waters and motivation to see what the new move is all about. Your response is positive: it felt great! And the pristine aqua blue waters capture your attention = seeing the beauty of the Spirit, perhaps.

You are obviously sold on where the Lord has led you; thus, the desire to share it with your family (natural or spiritual or both). But the scene also shows wisdom: making sure you had enough oil (Spirit/unction or anointing). The jet ski "had oil injection", which seems to indicate you'll get the quick burst from the Lord when you need it. Also...there's more in the tank than you thought!

The last part may indicate that you either have arrived at or will arrive at a time when you may feel that you don't have enough time (or something) to "get back on and travel the lake." This speaks to me of something important:

In the dream, the reason you didn't think you could return was because you were running out of time. But why? Because it was RENTED. I wonder if this may indicate that there will come a point when you will have to PURCHASE (metaphorically) this "jet ski".

IN OTHER WORDS: it's one thing to "give this new place" a try. It's quite another to take the plunge, commit, and never look back.

It seems to me that the Lord may be confirming to you that He is definitely moving you into another place/realm, and it is a positive thing. But in order to abide there, it will require a "take the plunge" type of attitude...a commitment...that may be costly.

It's a lot cheaper to rent a jet ski than to buy one. But if you buy one, you can enjoy it all the time!
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Post by bigbee »

Amber, thank you so much for taking time to sort through this. You systematically break this down very clearly which make much sense. May God bless you richly for helping me, Please feel free to add more as the Lord gives you.

As for the former boss, our relationship was strained at times. I was the one driving the vehicle in the dream as he gave me the directions. Maybe the boss represents the Lord in the dream?

I knew the lake Superior element was significant and it stood out. I'm amazed that the details were real in spite of me not knowing these facts. Maybe the Lord showing me this to confirm it is indeed from Him?


Amber Allman
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Post by Amber Allman »

Hey Bb,

Glad to be of some help. Of course, the dreamer usually holds the keys to the dream...and the Lord provides accurate interpretation. so seek him for clarification or correction.

In the dream, did you see your boss' face, or were you simply aware that it was the former boss? A "faceless man" usually represents the Lord/Holy Spirit. In other words, a man you know is there...and may see his body...but never really see his face.

It would seem that this "boss" does, in fact, represent the Lord. You are driving the vehicle (responsible for being at the wheel of your life/ministry), but He is the one pointing the way.

God bless ya!
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Post by bigbee »

That's what I thought about the boss also, I didn't see his face and after he gave me the direction, he left or disappeared.
