Gun Shot to chest

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Gun Shot to chest

Post by MorningGlory »

We were in a house full of people in North Dakota. My Spouse had been hit by a bullet in the chest. The wound was covered, but blood began seeping through. When he turned around I lifted his shirt, and he had a huge 12" severe bruise.. it seemed the bullet had not gone through, but was lodged in him. I went from person to person in the North Dakota house and asked where a Doctor was so he could get help. No one could help there.
I got on my cell phone and called his brother to pray.
I noticed some words on my cell phone were fading away..
(like when you shut down the computer)

We have been attending some meetings out of North Dakota, and I am needing some help here.

Glad to be back online
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Post by WaitingforHim »

Welcome back!!! Will be in prayer for this!
Isaiah 40:31
But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.
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Post by dance-in-the-son »

Not sure this is an interp...please disregard if it doesn't bear witness with your spirit.

There may be some words or accusations that try cut to your heart and of course the answer to that is Jesus and His word, His blood has cleansed us from all sins.


You have turned my mourning into joyful dancing.
You have taken away my clothes of mourning and clothed me with joy,
that I might sing praises to you and not be silent.
O Lord my God, I will give you thanks forever!
Psalm 30:11-12
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Post by Tytenisha »

Hi MorningGlory,

Im thinking the house may be representing the church or the meetings you have been attending. The shooting may be some type of spiritual wounding from the the ministry (could be the present or future). "Bleeding" from the symbols chart means Spiritually dying, state of disagreement. Im thinking the phone call might mean intercession.
maybe this dream is a call to pray for wisdom, guidance and direction from the Lord regarding church or minisrty.

Please disregard if this does not witness to you.

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Post by Alabaster »

Hello MorningGlory,

I wonder if it’s a warning of a verbal attack. With the bruise and still no bullet hole, it might represent him being hurt very badly (spiritually) by it, but he’s not wounded and will recover because bruises usually don’t leave lasting scars like wounds to the flesh do. The blood could mean him suffering by it spiritually. And because the bullet is lodged inside of him, it must have gone (hurt) pretty deep and he needs help from a minister. With you getting on your cell to call his brother to pray and the words faded away, I wonder if it's warning not to go there. Have those meetings been a blessing to you both?

These are just some thoughts to pray about and ponder on. I don’t get to the board much, and am sometimes hesitant to post an interp. when something sticks out to me in a dream because I am still learning, so please disregard any of this if it does not bare witness.

God bless you!