Gave Me A Building

Archives for 2007
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Gave Me A Building

Post by jdarby2007 »

Hi All ~

Had this short dream, don't remember everything, please help if you can.

Don't remember where I was, or how I met them, but I met this couple and they were in business together, and I was telling them what my passion is and what I want to do, and they gave me a building. EOD

I've really been praying asking God to reveal his plan and purpose for my life, but haven't got an answer yet. I've been living for 41 years and have nothing to show for the time I've been on this earth, nothing but disappointments and heartache, haven't accomplished much. No stabililty on jobs because people get intimidated (not sure why, this is what others told me), I'm not acting intimidating, I'm very friendly to people. Not sure what I'm doing wrong. I've confessed every sin I could possibly think of and sins I never committed to get some kind of response from God, but nothing yet.

Anyhoo, if you could help with this dream, I greatly appreciate it!
