a seductive girl, a pillar, a failed brownie mix

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a seductive girl, a pillar, a failed brownie mix

Post by Charys »

We were in a pastor's house for a Bible study, but we never got around to the Bible or prayer. It was just shooting the breeze. A youth pastor I know from from another church was there, as well as a sexually precocious young teen. She didn't seem evil, but more like a girl who has suddenly discovered this power she has over men and doesn't know what to do with it. The pastor's wife was in the kitchen desperately looking for food to give us.

The youth pastor's wife called telling me they just had a big fight over this girl. I tried to talk to her on the phone without letting the youth pastor know that it was her.

Then I went to the kitchen to help the pastor's wife. I made a brownie mix trying to augment it by stretching it up the side of a tall pan. It was a failure. Then the pastor's wife showed me a huge fancy pillar taking up the center of the dining room. She was sad and weary and told me they had no place to eat. Her children look like poor orphans from a Dickens novel. They are sitting on the floor against the wall eating gruel.

The seductive girl went outside to get a teddy bear covered with dirty snow from last year that had not melted all summer. It was for a sermon illustration.

We wanted to leave but the Pastor wouldn't let anyone go. He wanted to keep the party going. His wife was fretting about not having any food for lunch until someone donated some small strange fruit.

I realized we were all sitting around in bathrobes that wouldn't stay done up. I was trying to convince my husband that we needed to leave.

I know the pastor represents church leadership and the wife is the congregation. The teddy bear is the religious spirit still encased in frozen doctrine from the past. The pillar I think represents "Pillars of the Assembly". They are grandiose and ornate and are making it impossible for anyone to sit and be fed there. Bathrobes mean we are not properly prepared to go out into the world.

The mix, the youth pastor and the girl I don't get yet.
...that I might know Him...

Post by Joy2dream »

We were in a pastor's house for a Bible study, but we never got around to the Bible or prayer. It was just shooting the breeze.

Seeing this as using the time for socializing instead of what it is meant for.
A youth pastor I know from from another church was there, as well as a sexually precocious young teen. She didn't seem evil, but more like a girl who has suddenly discovered this power she has over men and doesn't know what to do with it.

This may be representative of the youth in your area. They have "discovered" a new power but are not being taught how to handle it properly. I am seeing it as a Spiritual gifting.
The pastor's wife was in the kitchen desperately looking for food to give us.
I am seeing this part as the church wasn't prepared for the meeting and had no Spiritual food to offer. They haven't a clue what to do now.
The youth pastor's wife called telling me they just had a big fight over this girl. I tried to talk to her on the phone without letting the youth pastor know that it was her.
I am seeing this as a point of division in the youth, some will accept the gift and some will be against it. You are being called to interceed for unity. (congrats)

Then I went to the kitchen to help the pastor's wife. I made a brownie mix trying to augment it by stretching it up the side of a tall pan. It was a failure.
I am feeling like you go to help and want to serve something sweet and want to stretch it in order to feed the group but it isn't what is needed and will fall.

Then the pastor's wife showed me a huge fancy pillar taking up the center of the dining room.

This may be doctrine or it may be a person or spirit in high standing that is keeping the right food from being served.
She was sad and weary and told me they had no place to eat. Her children look like poor orphans from a Dickens novel. They are sitting on the floor against the wall eating gruel.
I am seeing this part as the church is needing the True Word and that they are malnourished on the same sermon week after week.

The seductive girl went outside to get a teddy bear covered with dirty snow from last year that had not melted all summer. It was for a sermon illustration.
Teddys are usually given to young people so I am seeing a Spiritual gift that was began but left outside and frozen in time. The snow may be symbolic of the Spirit that was frozen on the gift because it wasn't allowed to be used.
We wanted to leave but the Pastor wouldn't let anyone go. He wanted to keep the party going.

Leadership is ok as long as people keep coming and the party is happening.
His wife was fretting about not having any food for lunch until someone donated some small strange fruit.
Thinking the strange fruit is the gift of the girl.
I realized we were all sitting around in bathrobes that wouldn't stay done up. I was trying to convince my husband that we needed to leave.
Wonder did you have clothes on under the robes? Bare breasts comes to me and I am wondering if you are being called out to feed and the Lord wants you to know you have what it takes to do it.

Interp: I am seeing the dream as the Lord calling you out to interceed and feed the youth. I believe that the young girl in the dream is representative of the youth as is the youth minister and his wife. The pastor's wife is representing the current church people and there is that pillar standing in the way. The young girl is developing and knows she has a gift that is desirable to men/women but she doesn't know how to use it properly. I believe the Holy Spirit is showing you this because He wants you to pray into it and He wants to raise you up for the youth.

I know, I've said a lot here. Please pray, pray, pray about it all.

The Lord pointed this Scripture out to me Friday morning. Let me know if it speaks to you.

Song of Solomon 8:7-9 (King James Version)
7Many waters cannot quench love, neither can the floods drown it: if a man would give all the substance of his house for love, it would utterly be contemned.

8We have a little sister, and she hath no breasts: what shall we do for our sister in the day when she shall be spoken for?

9If she be a wall, we will build upon her a palace of silver: and if she be a door, we will inclose her with boards of cedar.

Bless you,
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Post by Charys »

You have given me much to think and pray about. Thank you. Yes, I think this is on the right track. It reminds me very much of another dream about 18 months ago that was the first of many that I knew for certain were from God. I shall post it separately.
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Post by Charys »

I'm wondering now if the pillar could represent a fancy new church edifice and all the resources that should be going to feed the children are being taken up by the building program.

Edited next day to add: Yes, I think the "edifice" is taking up the time, and resources of the church -therefore the orphans (the poor, the sick in the community) who the church should be caring for are barely being tended to. There is no room for them. The church is neglecting the the poor physically and spiritually. It has barely enough spiritual food to give its own people.

Our church is embarking on a building program. I abstained from voting because I just couldn't get into to for some reason, but I didn't have a definite direction from the Lord to oppose it.

Is this the kind of thing I should keep to myself and just pray about it?
...that I might know Him...