Hidden Valley Road?

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Hidden Valley Road?

Post by Charys »

This vision happened three times in a row this morning , so I know it's important, but I'm not getting it yet.

In bed but not asleep.
I was on a country road nearby called "Hidden Valley Road" IRL. At the last intersection before it winds off into the hills I saw a huge traffic light blocking the road. It was red. I tried to see around it to see why I shouldn't go down Hidden Valley Road; the way was blocked by barbed wire. As I was lying in bed trying to figure out the symbolism of "Hidden Valley" I saw the road blocked a little further down by a huge pile of rocks like a landslide.

IRL I know two families who live on that road just beyond the point where it was blocked, but after that the road turns into a wilderness road for about 10 kilometers, then there is a tiny settlement of a few houses, and then it becomes a very rough unused dirt logging road. Eventually in another 25 kilometers or so it meets up with a paved road in a beautiful valley near a lake.

During the night in a dream I heard someone tell an unidentified man: "You can't just keep apologizing for this one. There needs to be a heart-change." I kept seeing the number 20. I was unsure if the message was for him or for me.

I'm not sure if this was meant for me or someone else. If I have unconfessed habitual hidden sin in my life I'm not aware of it at this moment. (Not saying that I don't sin. Lord knows!) If that's what this means, please pray with me that the Lord will show me what I need to change, because I am upset by this. If it's another individual's sin I expect the Lord will reveal that shortly, but as my visions are frequently about the church in general I was wondering if anybody else might have a piece to this puzzle?
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Post by Mona »

I really believe this a warning of some sort. The traffic light as in red is certainly a sign to stop in the direction you are going. Possibly you are headed down a particular path and the Lord wants you to turn back. Going down this road is a road of hiddenness and great tribulation as when we pass through valley there is usually some type of trial to face. The landslide to me represents that this particular path is one that will crash down around you. The elements are not in your favor to move ahead. Possibly you have your heart set or have been thinking on a particular move or advancement. I am not sure but this might be some type of business advancement or some type of profit making scheme. The logging road I believe expresses a particular work or business using the earth's resources to profit.

I believe the Lord is showing you as you might have been praying seeking his answer in this matter as while in bed you are awake. This to me represents you are seeking discernment and having an open eye to see the Lord's perspective. I believe the Lord is also expressing the natural surroundings that are evident in this path as in traveling through this path you will face a wilderness, rough roads and unused roads. Possibly the Lord is expressing that this path is not a profitable trip and this path will not be busy or very eventful trip.

Number 20 can represent a tried or weighed out matter, revelation, or holiness. I believe the Lord is making a crystal clear calculation of events to come if you would travel down this particular road. I believe the heart change would line up with the Lord's will for your life and you will find yourself within His holiness. The unidentified man might represent a particular character or fleshly nature that is not identified with the Christ like character. Simply the Lord may be saying there is no need to apologize but just have a change of heart towards this matter.

Hopes this bears any wittness

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Post by Charys »

Thank you Mona. Some of what you wrote I can relate to; it definitely seems like a warning or a clear direction NOT to go in that direction. I just don't know what that direction means. I really don't have any business plans and making a profit on anything seldom shows up anywhere on my radar. I am singularly non-market-minded. I've not got an entrepreneurial bone in my body.

I have been praying for direction about joining with a group of intercessors from another church. I've also been praying about a need for greater self-discipline for working on an artistic endeavour started a couple of years ago -but I don't sense any "Hidden Valley" connection with these --yet, anyway.

A few years ago when there was a lot of tension in our home (which the Lord has so graciously healed) I used to hop in the car and drive out into the country to escape, to just get away to think or pray or cry or scream.... This road was one of the closest routes to just get away (that's how I know where it ends up), but not the only one --and I haven't done that in years.

I dunno.... don't live with hidden sin? don't join the group? don't finish the novel? don't run away? stop hiding emotions? quit avoiding people or problems or public ministry? Is this a message about repentance, that repentance is more than apology but an actual change in thinking? Is this a message for the church that the Lord desires true repentance and for us to stop living "hidden" lives?

It's a warning -and a strong warning for sure. The Holy Spirit seems to be saying that this route is definitely not an option, but I'm not understanding what the road represents yet.
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Post by Mona »

Hi again Charys!!!

Well, definitely stay in prayer and I am sure the Lord will provide the understanding you need.

I had a question after your last post, is there something that you are trying to escape of a particular situation? Possibly the Lord is closing off the route of escape and making you face a situation. Could it be if there is a situation or circumstance that you keep recieving apologies from a particular person but no change? Possibly the Lord is suggesting to no longer accept apologies but seek the real change of heart in a particular person. Possibly the Lord is saying turn around and face the situation and stand your ground.

Possibly your choice is to ignore the situation and by ignoring it would be a choice of driving through a hidden valley. But possibly the Lord is suggesting this road is now closed to you and it is time to face the situation?????????
Psalm 96:1
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