Husband had dream of me and butterflies

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From Glory to Glory
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Husband had dream of me and butterflies

Post by From Glory to Glory »

Hi everyone,

My husband just had a dream about me...he fell asleep on the couch for a few minutes and when I woke him up, he mentioned this dream to me. It is very unusual for him to remember his dreams. He dreamt that I was standing and many monarch (orange and black) butterflies were flying all around my head.

Any thoughts on this?



Post by talitha »

hey, sis! this is very interesting - could hubby answer one question? Was there a feeling along with this? Was he taken with the beauty of the scene, or did he feel like something freaky was going on, or what?

bless you
From Glory to Glory
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Post by From Glory to Glory »


Unfortunately, my husband does not remember a thing about it. I woke him up last night after he fell asleep on the couch, and that is when he told me about the dream. However, this morning, he doesn't remember the dream at all, or me waking him up.

However, he did not seem at all upset last night about it. He said he was just watching me in his dream as the butterflies flew all around my head. He initially had said that they were resting on my head, but then I asked him again and he said they were just flying around it, keeping in mind that he was still half asleep when he told me about all of this!

I think it's kind of interesting because I have had 2 prophetic words spoken over me recently that related to butterflies...nice words. So, I thought there might be some correlation.

Thanks so much!


Post by talitha »

I keep thinking about a crown of royalty on you..... whether they were on your head or not...... I just this morning read through a short book debunking the popular interpretation of Paul's words regarding women - very interesting - I'm finding myself in a very different camp than I was in when I got married, but this is about you..... Does your husband have trouble seeing you as his partner in ruling and reigning rather than as "less than" him? Maybe this was a gentle sign?

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Post by WingsofHealing »

Ok, sis here goes. First i havent been in here to interpret dreams for some time and believe HE prompted me to
peek.. Maybe just for you sis.
first of all there are dozens of orange and black butterflies and the most common are gulf frittaleries, viceroys
and the monarch. I believe we are to focus on the monarch.
a picture i will put on the end of this posting for you.

MONARCH: 1: a person who reigns over a kingdom or empire: as a: a sovereign ruler b: a constitutional king or
2: one that holds preeminent position or power

CONSTITUTIONAL: 1 : relating to, inherent in, or affecting the constitution of body or mind
2 : of, relating to, or entering into the fundamental makeup of something : essential
3 : being in accordance with or authorized by the constitution of a state or society <a constitutional government>
4 : regulated by or ruling according to a constitution <a constitutional monarchy>
5 : of or relating to a constitution <a constitutional crisis>
6 : loyal to or supporting an established constitution or form of government

I believe the butterflies represent the royal (monarach) crown on your head. I believe that you are deadly, i mean
DEADLY to the enemy for when a monarch is eating by a bird or lizard etc, that animal dies. Animals can usually tell the difference between the
viceroy and the monarch. (CHECK THE TWO SPECIES OUT ONLINE), no i am not yelling. Also when orange and black are in dreams and visions
that is usually a key that there is something dangerous here/there and it is you that is dangerour for HIS KINGDOM.
Several here know that the Lord speaks to me so often through HIS creation, teaching me symbolism and He uses
that is visions dreams etc with me.

Honey: You are tremendous, Your annointing is far more than you concieve. I didnt say that you cant concieve,
but that you concieve. I see angels surrounding you many times and when you walk into a grocery store (think back now) demon scatter, or hide.
You get strange looks from customers, from people that are from the homeless to the millionaires.
I say to you daughter of the most high GOD, that you (as you recieve this royalty that has been falling like snow
all over you), that the words that you speak for HIM, will penetrate the most hurt heart that has been hardened. May you see, may you
partake and absorb something soon in the future that will not be able to be talked out of, but something that you do for the KING, that will
leave you speechless and changed forever to do HIS will on earth as it is in heaven.
by HIS power and under HIS blood i speak this.

ok now that i am out of breath,, ((GLORY TO GLORY))

Picture of MONARCH
go to page named butterflies and run your mouse over the pictures until you come to the monarch.
Last edited by WingsofHealing on Sun Oct 28, 2007 2:37 am, edited 2 times in total.
May we ALL FIND the healing in the Lords wings and be still to absorb all we can.
From Glory to Glory
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Post by From Glory to Glory »


I am so speechless, overwhelmed, and teary-eyed right now. The words you have spoken to me confirm so many things in my heart!!! Oh, my goodness, did I need to hear this!!! I have wanted for so long to be dangerous to the kingdom of darkness (I pray those exact words you spoke all the time) and to do something mightily for Him!! I keep thinking that I am just a house-wife with 3 kids and a part-time job...what can I do for Him? But, I long to lay hands on the sick, speak liberty to the captives, edify the saints, preach to the lost, and walk in the gifts of the Spirit, all the while abiding in the tangible presence of the Lord. I long for angelic visitations, heavenly encounters, Godly coincidences and circumstances, and divine appointments!! I'm going to print out what you've written and really absorb it all and hold it close to my heart. A million thank yous for being obedient to the voice of God and blessing me as you have!!!!!! I am utterly speechless right now!

Hugs in Him,

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Post by forhim »

This is not an interp, just reminded me of some experiences I had with butterflies. The first was not long after my husband died. I was in my yard, walking around crying. Yet I knew to keep praising so I started singing "Shout to the Lord" (one of my husband's favorite songs). As I sang two butterflies came and danced over my head. When I stopped singing they left. It was SO COOL and a true gift from God. A few months later I went walking in the woods with a friend. As we walked butterlies started to land all over me. None landed on my friend. We both thought that it was again a gift from God. So although I do not have an interp, I do believe that HE has a gift for you through this dream.

Post by Joy2dream »

Beautiful interp,
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Post by WaitingforHim »

Praise God!!!!
Isaiah 40:31
But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.
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Post by christianfireman »

Relating to the dream posted ...

A friend of mine told me last week that a priest he knows had a dream where he was surrounded by many, many butterflies.

Knowing my experience on the subject, my friend therefore asked me for an interpretation.

I told him that since the word "butterfly" does not appear anywhere in the Bible, it was a complete toss up as to what spiritual significance it might have (if any).

Secular dream interpretations show it as being either a good or a bad sign ... but I don't follow secular dream symbolism.

Therefore, I told my friend that I had no opinion (one way or another) on the matter.

Just FYI ...
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Post by WingsofHealing »

How are you today? Hope your weekend was faulous? Did your hubby have any more dreams?
blessings sis..........
May we ALL FIND the healing in the Lords wings and be still to absorb all we can.
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Post by forhim »

I believe butterflies are a symbol of new beginnings. Just as the caterpillar crawls into the cocoon and transforms into something free and beautiful so we are transformed as we crawl into the arms of Jesus. We go to him as a creature crawling and not so beautiful and HE tranforms us into a new creation.
From Glory to Glory
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Post by From Glory to Glory »

Wings of Healing,

I just sent you a pm...could you please let me know if you did not receive it?

