7 Planets In a Row-Houses on Earth Crushed/Disintegrated

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Post by theonlywan »

I have been going thru some websites today & as I was reading information I came across this verse in Revelations 8: "One-third of the earth was burned up, one-third of the trees was burned up, and all the green grass was burned up." "The fourth angel poured out his bowl on the Sun, and it was allowed to scorch people with fire. They were scorched by the fierce heat, and they cursed the name of God who had power over these plagues. They did not repent and give him glory."

Suddenly a dream I had 6 years ago came back to me in which I was standing looking at a globe of the earth (someone was with me, don't know who) and all the areas of land on the earth except for one portion of it caught on fire & burned up.. when I awoke I felt fear.

There are definitely some strange things on that site...things I'm not sure what to think of...yet I don't want to limit God, so I ask for His discernment..
" You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on you: because he trusts in you " ~ Isaiah 26:3
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Post by bella »

The Lord has put on me what I can only call a 'heaviness' which makes it very hard for me to move physically & I am constantly tired, weary & dry. It is very very hard to pray - this is a dessert experience like no other. God has let me know it is definitely Him doing an inner work (& a baptism of fire to burn away the junk) and when He is done I will be sent out for Him. I have never heard of anyone going thru this physical/spiritual sensation before but would love to find someone who can help me understand it. Some people may call this the 'weight of glory' but it does not feel very glorious as I feel quite incapacitated. All the Lord has said is that He's purposefully putting me thru a 'stagnation' of sorts which will 'squeeze healing oil' out of me for the ministry He's putting me into. He has not said how long it will last & this is hard for me as patience may be a virtue, but it's not one of mine
Hi theonlywan,

With regards to going through unusual phases/seasons. When I was reading this I thought of John Sanford. I'm pretty sure it was him. He went through a phase which he called the 'dark night of the soul'. His experience was different but I share it so that you know you're not the only one who has these experiences. For him, he just stopped hearing God for a year. Got NOTHING. Others could pray for him and hear God for him, but he could hear nothing for himself. He was quite perturbed by it at first, but grew to accept it. After this time, he was catapulted into his ministry of healing.

I also know a lady from my old church who's knees would buckle every time she got up to pray for someone and she'd feel the presence of God on her.

Everyone reacts differently to the presence of God on their bodies. I'm the opposite to you. I hate feeling manifestations, and told God that. So I've had some miracles occur and haven't felt a thing. People try to push me over when they pray, and I stand there thinking 'you're wasting your time ... not gonna happen' and I know that God is respecting my desire not to fall down. Embarrassingly though, I do bawl my eyes out when I can feel His presence strongly.

And yes, I've had other seasons of strangeness that no-one else seems to have experienced. Sometimes I think the different experiences we have is because He's dealing with something so specific to us, and just as we all respond differently to emotions, we all respond differently to His working on our pain.
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Post by theonlywan »

hey CrackerJack...
I'm right there with you on the CRYING! Although I am rarely moved or touched to cry under any other circumstance, when the presence of the Lord shows up, so do my tears. I used to hate it, but now I love it as it feels like such a release when the tears are there.

As for hearing from the Lord, I do hear from Him, sporadically, & when I do I KNOW it is Him without question.. Not to mention He has upped the number of dreams I have from Him exponentially. But the act of praying is hard for me to enter into.. once I do however, the tears flow like a fountain.. but for the most part this is a very dry time for me. What I don't like is the lack of energy..I used to swim a KM 2 or 3 times a week, and now I can barely go up a flight of stairs..it feels like my legs weigh 50 lbs each!.. LOL.. I am not complaining - I know it is the Lord, He has assured me of it being necessary for preparation. ..something else He said just came back to me, that it is keeping me safe & keeping me where He wants me. I would love to move out of this house, but I know I would never have the energy to do it.... so sometimes He does stuff to not only put us thru a process of preparation, but also to make us stay put & in His perfect will.
" You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on you: because he trusts in you " ~ Isaiah 26:3
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Post by theonlywan »

This dream's interpretation is accurate, but it also had a 2nd interpretation...

It is about a horrible trauma from the past being revealed and my life "crushing in on me". What the enemy tried to kill me with, God is using for His glory.. the man with the flash-lite symbolizes the illuminati

Amazing how 2 interps can be totally accurate
" You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on you: because he trusts in you " ~ Isaiah 26:3